What Equpiment?


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
hi all. am looking to get a male fighter fish.

what sze tank is a good idea? also will i need a heather and filter? heard a friend mention that a filter is not always needed but wanna get right info beffore i take the plunge!
I just got a betta today. I put him in a 5gal tank that came as a kit with a filter. Be sure if you get one that comes with a filter that it isn't one of those that are integrated in the hood as you can't adjust the flow. Most bettas don't like much water movement. I also got a small heater, but if you are somewhere the temp is constant, you should be fine. You can go w/o a filter, but you'll be looking at constant water changes as it won't be cycled. You can also go w/a smaller tank. I chose the 5gal cause I wanted to be able to add snails or something w/the betta, and because it just breaks my heart to see a betta in a tiny tank. It's also easier to take care of than a small bowl, cause you don't have to do as many water changes.
high 70's, usually. It's best to go with a heater and IMO. My betta is in a 2.5 gallon tank, and is very happy. It would also be a good idea to get yours a plant or two and a cave or something for him to hide/hang out in.

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