What Else Will Work In This Community?


New Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Town
I`ve got a 60 gallon tank with the following inmates and I was wondering if there are any suggestions as to
what more I can add and still keep peace and order!


I`ve tried adding some paradise fish but they didnt fit in too well.I`m looking for something with red in them or
anything that will look good!! Please no livebearers!!!
ZEDRA DANIOS!!! They are my favourite as they are peaceful, constantly hyper and completly crazy, they go in any tank :D
Absolutely nothing!

You are fully stocked - extremely over-stocked even - as it is and some of your fish are incompatible (like those two sharks - they should only ever be kept singly).

The cosby and gold gouramies have the potential to be quite aggressive and moonlights grow pretty big. Common plecs (what are yours?) grow to over a foot in length and produce huge amounts of waste. What kind of 'louches' do you have? Some grow very large and others are aggressive. Still others - like the 'sucking loach' or 'chinese algae eater' are terrible community fish and should be kept alone (they also are not technically loaches).

If you want a simple guide for how many fish you can keep, calculate the adult length of each of your fish (eg 6" for a cosby/gold gourami - these are the exact same species BTW, just different colors) and then compare that to your tank's volume. There should be about an inch of fish per gallon max. In your case, you have gone over this limmit by at least 30".

Also, even if you were not overstocked, there is no room in your tank for any more gouramies. With these large-ish ones, they should have around 10 gallons per individual.
Eish !!!
Thanks for the comments!!
I do intend on removing one of the plecos(common) and as yet the two sharks are behaving!The loaches are common brown ones and also hopefully in a month or two I`ll be getting a 200 gallon tank!
I`m running two powerhead filters and an outside Eheim filter and my water as per the guy who checks it is OK!This tank has been running for 3+ months now!!

Thanks Sylvia

PS:I havent seen any red\honey gouramis in this area!
Sorry for the late reply no internet over weekends
I used the community tank creator, as I told before. It allows you to see which fish are compatible, and define your stock levels based on your tank volume and filter medium. You can find it at:

I would be very wary of that particular community creator, Biulu. IMO it encourages overstocking and does not allow for the swimming needs of active species.
Whatever you do, don't get more gouramies. Gouramies are territorial - your current few won't appreciate the addition of more. One you've upgraded, a few more of those types you have (you can get different colored three-spots - lavender, platinum, gold, blue, opaline, cosby etc are all color morphs of this same species). This'll benefit them as well since any aggression will be more evenly distributed.

If you plan to upgrade, wait until you have done so to add fish. Then I'd suggest a school of lake katubu (melanotaenia lacustris) rainbowfish and/or boesmani rainbowfish. Alternatively, threadfin rainbows are lovely. In your current tank, no extra fish will work at all though. And, while you're at it, get some more neons and glowlights - they do better in big groups.

What are 'common brown loaches'? lol
I`ll try and be patient!Thanx Sylvia!
The loach I`m referring to is a very plain brown looking Kuhli loach,also the only type I`ve ever seen here! I`d love one of those exotic looking loaches or plecos available everywhere else!!!
I`m not familiar with the fish youre recommending once I`ve upgraded but I`ll look into those!!
Thank you
PS:Ive got a 20 gallon tank with a male siamese fighter and an albino red tail shark!
Any suggestions? :drool:
sharks and bettas aren't really advised as they're both potentially aggressive. i'd keep an eye on them, or lose the shark and have a group of more peaceful corys. bettas also don't like anyone swimming in their space (mid-top), they'll chase them around, and if they can get hold...they will. although this does depend on your bettas personality. i had one betta that like nothing more than to attack and take chunks out of the corys he was with, when tank-swapped with another betta, the second betta completely ignored the corys (until he got fin rot and the corys tried to eat his tail -_-)
Catxx the two are behaving when Im around and I dont have another tank for the shark!???
I am hoping for a community with them and some
neon tetras ,glowlights or black neons.I know tiger barbs are out of the question.... :unsure:
Tetras are generaly out of the question. With bettas even slightly nippy fish are a problem and most tetras fit into thsi category. i'd suggest harlequin rasboras and some cories but do consider returning the shark to your LFS (don't expect a refund) because you will have problems.
Am I annoying or what?
I`ve removed the siamese fighter from the 20 gallon and only have the shark
in it.Can I add my neons and glowlights to this setup to ease the load on the 60 gallon?
If yes can I add more small tetra types?? :drool:
Yes, you can add those tetras (but only if they are large as the shark could potentialy eat them). But don't add anything else for the moment. What sexes are your two pearls? Try moving those two into the 20 and see whether it works out (it probably won't because one will pick on the other - but it's worth a try).

You really still need to rehome at least one of the sharks in your 60 galllon and find the plecs a new home. Of course, if you are still going to upgrade, this won't be an issue soon enough.
The Pearls are male and female and I was contemplating that myself! :drool:
I`ll just let the 20 gallon settle some more then try adding the pearls!!!
The shark is almost 2 inches long and the tetras are about 1 inch long so I think I might get away with that.
I`ll keep you informed.

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