What Else Does A Betta Eat


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2006
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what else does a betta eat besides blood worms:????: B) :fish:
I feed my bettas a staple diet of pelleted food -- Hikari Biogold in my case -- and supplement their diet with frozen foods, mine seem to favorbloodworms and mysis shrimp.

If you're looking frozen, whatever commercially available wormy thing will likely be devoured with gusto.

*edit: I've tried adult brine shrimp, and while I've heard of others having their bettas eat it, mine ignore it. My female betta often steals the flake I feed my other fish.

*editx2: I rewrote the ending to my first sentance, didn't look right to me.
Hikari pellets as staple.

Bloodworms as variety.

Also dislike brine shrimp, though some of my bettas will eat 'em.

You could also try boiled peas (some bettas like it, though it's more for constipation than anything else). Blackworms would also work. Perhaps flightless fruitflies?
Fussy ol Tropico eats nothing but bloodworms and peas--I buy canned peas, get rid of the salted water of course and then squish out the insides, put abit on my finger and feed it to him because he likes to be hand fed the spoilt baby! :rolleyes: He trained me to hand feed him by coming to the corner of the tank, to the surface and waiting there and refusing to chase any pea bits just dropped into the water. :lol: He simply won't look at any other Betta flakes or pellets. Fussy fussy fussy but he's very healthy so I guess he's not bored....oh I forgot to mention that every so often I pop in a newborn guppy fry for him to go hunt and eat. He LOVES those and gets all excited. Boy can he swim fast when he wants to and those fins twice as long as he is make great brakes, he stops on a dime. :nod:
:/ poor baby guppies. I got a pond full of toadpoles, buy even pond fish dont eat those!
Poor guppies? They're an all-natural food source, feeding fish in the wild, so why not in the tank? :p

Dragonfly larvae eat frogs. 8nods* In zoology class we saw a cool video on something or other... perhaps predator prey relationships. Anyways, when the tadpoles die 9from predation), they release chemicals to alert their siblings of imminent death. Cool, ne?
I feed mine some pellets, then live daphnia, bloodworms, mosquito larva, and sometimes rat tailed maggots! As well as freeze dried tubifex worms but only my girls seem to like them! Not one of mine will take frozen daphnia or bloodworm!
One of my bettas only eats pellets and occasionally blood worms. But he's mean and lives by himself. My other Betta is in a community tank and eats pellets like Shamu. He literally will jump out of the water and grab them from my fingers if I hold it close to the surface. Being in a community tank, he also eats flaked tropical fish food, brine shrimp, and tubiflex worms. He doesnt seem to be too picky. If it falls in the tank, hes gonna try a bite or two.

Mine seems to small to take on Hikari BioGold pellets, although he does try. Where he was sold from they feed them live bloodworms. But he seems to like Hikari Micropellets for tetras and small fish. Some fall to the sand and he'll hunt for them. When he gets bigger, there will be a good bag of those BioGold pellets waiting for him. :)
How do you do those pictures in the botom.Thanks for repling though. B)

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