What else could I put in my tank.


Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
Ok So heres the story... I had A Diy co2 System hooked up to my tank which had 1 angel, 1 betta and two otto's 2 pepperd cory's and 2 Pearl Gouramis. Anyway a couple of nights ago someone knocked over the bottle with the yeast and crap in and some of it got in the tank. Anyway I did about two 30-40% Water changes seen as the water was so cloudy. Anyway that night I put in an extra filter and Hoped the cloudyness would go away. So I wake up the next morning omg how the water was cloudy the first thing I noticed and the seccond was the angel fish was dead (He was very old and big aswell) So I had to take the fish out and temp put all of my fish (except my betta seen As I have a betta in each tank (Trying to get as little water as possible)) In my other tank. Anyway I took out all my water plants and decor out and filled a bucket up with the tank water put the filter cartrages in (juwel Rekord 60 so different cartages 2 of which are big) Anyway cleaned out the gravel and and the plants and the filter power head and the heater and most of the tank glass (sorry oto's but it had to be done) and refilled the tank put all the stuff back in, waited it for it to get up to the right temprature. Then I put all the fish back in the tank. So now the tank looks very empty and I am sure the bactiara is a bit hungry.

So The tank just incase you didnt get all the info.

Juwel Rekord 60

Size: 61(*24") x 36(*14") x 31 cm (*12")
Light System with 1 x 15 W tube
Volume: approx. 54 litres (*12 gal)

* = Aprrox.


1 Betta.
2 Pearl Gouramis.
2 Otos.
2 Peppered corys.

Sorry about any spelling mistakes or bad grammer.
Preferably Gourami's seen as my lfs seems to have more Gourami's then guppies (and they do have a lot of guppies)
OMG you had angels in a rekord 60?

any way as you have a betta you can't have guppies
as the betta will see them as rivals and attack them, or wose kill then.
2 more ottos and 2 more corys will be ok as they both need to be in groups.

How about swordtails or any other platy?
ScuabaDuba said:
Swordtails!!!! Get a male and female and watch the fun! ;)
I dont know if my lfs sells swordtails but I might have a try.

Edit: Oh god I just remebered swordtails are livebearers scrap that idea.
danio2004 said:
OMG you had angels in a rekord 60?

any way as you have a betta you can't have guppies
as the betta will see them as rivals and attack them, or wose kill then.
2 more ottos and 2 more corys will be ok as they both need to be in groups.

How about swordtails or any other platy?
I know but I have been up that road with so many people here I dont want to go into it. Lets just say that the angel was my mums and the rekkord was bigger than her tank and leave it at that.
hatchet fish are awesome top dwellers....altho danio willl tell u to get something else instead....can't for the life of me figure what tho.... ;)
baloon mollys!!!!!

or a pair of blue or gold rams :nod:
ScuabaDuba said:
hatchet fish are awesome top dwellers....altho danio willl tell u to get something else instead....can't for the life of me figure what tho.... ;)
The only danio's round here are zebra and danio keeps on saying 20 gal min

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