What Else Could I Put In My Tank?

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Some more corys would be nice. A bristle nose or rubber lip pleco could work also. There are many options, why don't you list some fish you would like to put in your tank and we can give you feedback on those fish and if they are suitable for your aquarium.
Ok, I'll have to go to my pet store to see what exact fish they have. Though I would definitely like a fish that takes care of snails and or algae. I have quite the snail and algae problem and I would love a fish that could help me out with it but not grow too big for the tank. Any suggestions?
That's your best option... Go to your fish store, make a list of the fish you like an then tell do some research on them online about them and you can find out all the info you nee or/and ask on here and we can then advise you.

Although bristlenose and rubber lip plecs are smaller types of plecs generally only hitting around 5 inches or so I don't think your tank would be suitable for them. Not because of their size but also because of the potential waste they produce, their not called poop factory's for nothing :)

I wouldn't put either in less than 30gallons which is around 125litres. Or 40 gallons (150litres) to be comfortable.

20 gallons is only around 75litres (if measuring in USgallons) or 90litres (if measuring in UK gallons) so not much at all really. What is do is up the number of corys to around 6-8 as they need to be in groups of at least 6, and then maybe a small group (6-10) of tetras or rasboras. Albino corys gets surprisingly chunky and you have 3 dwarf gouramis as your "centrepiece" fish.
i agree with more corys but what about a nerite snail or two they look good, dont reproduce in freshwater and clean up diatoms or an assassin smail - for the plant snail problem, never kept these myself but heard good things... look em up c wot u think...
There's so many cool fish at the fish store that I don't even know where to start! How about this, what are some fish you guys think are cool? (that would fit in my tank) Then I can go to the fish store, see if they have them, and check them out.

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