What Else Can Go In My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2014
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What else if anything can go in my 55 gallon aquarium? Right now I have:
1 blue acara
1 rainbow shark
8 black skirt tetras
4 green corydoras

I have an aquaclear 70 HOB as well as a homemade internal filter likely rated for around 10 gallons give or take. I was thinking of maybe an opaline, gold or blue gourami but any suggestions at all are appreciated, even if you criticize my current stocking! I wont hold it against you for too long lol.
i qould up the green cory school, and maybe add a bristle nose pleco?
I agree on the cories, I was going to add one more and complete the school with 5 total. Idk about the pleco. Afraid there would be too many bottom dwellers. I was considering a group of yoyo loaches but decided against it for that reason.
I'd bump them a bit more than that since they should be kept in groups of 6+.
Maybe up your black skirts too?
Keep an eye on the rainbow shark as they can be territorial. So the cories might get picked on.
One of those gourami sound alright to me. I'm not familiar with blue acaras but according to SF they're pretty peaceful? :)
Yeah he is a pretty cool little fish. He is only territorial when it comes to the shark. Idk why rainbow sharks get such a bad rap. He gets along with everybody except during feeding time when he chases the tetras around. He actually has a little cory buddy. He "cleans" him. He goes over him the same way he would on the gravel, decor etc.
The tank needs to be at least 120cm long for a shark-minnow long term, ideally bigger.
How big is your Rainbow Shark? Like most shark-minnows, they start off "playing nicely" in a community, but as they get bigger (approaching their adult size of ~15cm SL) they become bolder and more aggressive... They often give other tank floor dwellers hell, as well as other fish of a similar shape or colour.
He is about 3.5 inches long now. I have no problem trading him in if he becomes too violent, but for now at least, he is fine with he other fish.
How about a blue neon gourami? I have one of those guys and he's one of my favorite fish. I hand feed him too!
I thought of that, but when I read more into it i learned that they can become very nasty when breeding. Im afraid they'd kill all my other fish.
Madness13 said:
How about a blue neon gourami? I have one of those guys and he's one of my favorite fish. I hand feed him too!
You think a dwarf gourami would get along with the other fish? I thought about that but wasnt sure how it would do with the shark and acara.
Maybe ill just get 1 or 2 more cories, same thing with tetras, and just leave it alone.
Well tetras are usually quick enough to survive a breeding cichlid pair, your corys might be in a bit of danger but they are well armored. Usually its bigger fish that cant speed away and hide which are victimized by spawning cichlids. you could try livebearers, or another smallish cichlid like a festivum. you can also go for a BN pleco, gourami or betta 
A betta huh? That would be sweet but im afraid its fins would get nipped. i read somewhere that for a gourami to be successful in a community tank that it should be the biggest fish in the tank. any thoughts on this? I'll look up festivums.
I wouldn't put a betta in there, black skirts are known to be nippy :/
Am not sure on the gourami needing to be the biggest in the tank. Mine was so I can't say. I think festivums look gorgeous though.

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