What Eggs Are These?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2012
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small white eggs, no more than four per leaf, I have red eyed tetras, cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras. what type could they be? have also been noticing tiny but seeable things with bodies and tails on the glass
small white eggs, no more than four per leaf, I have red eyed tetras, cherry barbs, harlequin rasboras. what type could they be? have also been noticing tiny but seeable things with bodies and tails on the glass

Of the fish you mention, it could most likely be the Harlequin eggs as they are the only ones' who will actually deposit their eggs (normally on the underside) of leaves..... the rest are normal egg scatterers and their eggs would probably be found on the gravel..... When the fry hatch..... they will cling to the glass in the fashion you describe......

It is a unique Féte to spawn Harlequins, but unlikely that you will raise any fry with all those fish in there..... Keep a lookout for particularly long "ovipositors" in your females..... this will indicate that they are ready to breed again and may be worth getting a seperate tank for your other fish to try and rear the Harlequins.....

You could try breaking off the leaves with eggs on and placing them in a different container (under water) then move the container to a hatching/rearing tank......
not sure if the eggs are those, started noticing the little fry things before I got the harlequins! :blink: also, I have three albino cory cats that are about two centimeters long. is it possible that they are cory eggs?
they are not cories, just checked again. do harlequins lay over or under the leaf or both? my eggs are on top.

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