Fish Addict
So I know white fuzz on wood is normal, though usually in new wood or indicating the wood is growing too soft. I do not have the time to remove the piece of wood, as it is large and holds plants. I understand it is harmless mostly to the inhabitants, though I keep removing it during water changes.
However, why does noone eat it. I have some but not many ramshorns, one or two small clithons, six otocinclus and afaik still 4 amano shrimp
My b-rams did a number on my snails, so while maybe a lot of MTS are hidden in the substrate and thiara scabra can be still seen sometimes, I had to remove all my rabbit snails and large nerite to not risk them. Will buying ramshorns help with this? Thanks
However, why does noone eat it. I have some but not many ramshorns, one or two small clithons, six otocinclus and afaik still 4 amano shrimp
My b-rams did a number on my snails, so while maybe a lot of MTS are hidden in the substrate and thiara scabra can be still seen sometimes, I had to remove all my rabbit snails and large nerite to not risk them. Will buying ramshorns help with this? Thanks