What does your Betta Shrine look like?


Oct 25, 2004
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What does your shrine look like? I have no room for anymore!

Yes, I know two bowls are not 1 gals, but my females are in there and they are very small still. Once I make room, I'll move them to 1 gals soon enough.
What luck! I just uploaded pics of my rooms for another forum, so I have them handy :p
Main betta rack in my bedroom to the right of my bed; the 10 gallon houses my imbellis pair

Other side of my bed

Other bedroom 10 gallon... there's one female betta in there, so it counts :p

Computer desk

Split 10 gallon in the computer room

Fry tank in front of my very messy junk closet (Obviously I am running out of tank room)
Your siggy speaks the truth "Too many bettas"!! lol.

thats a lot of tanks! How do you take care of them all?! I can see one room being devoted to fish when I finally move out..
ThatDarnDragon said:
Your siggy speaks the truth "Too many bettas"!! lol.

thats a lot of tanks! How do you take care of them all?! I can see one room being devoted to fish when I finally move out..
I go into autodrive during water changes :D
It only takes me about an hour to clean all the 1 and 2 gallons. I work like a well-oiled tank-cleaning machine :flex:
and exactly how many bettas/ tanks do you have? o_O I lost count half way down, lol
Betta bowls/small tanks: 19
Tanks 5 gallon and larger: 8
:blink: Bettaman.. your shrine is worse than a LFS! LOL! Where is that, your basement? or an actual petshop or something? Its awesome!

Dare I ask how many tanks you got? :blink:
Synirr said:
What luck! I just uploaded pics of my rooms for another forum, so I have them handy :p
Main betta rack in my bedroom to the right of my bed; the 10 gallon houses my imbellis pair

Other side of my bed

Other bedroom 10 gallon... there's one female betta in there, so it counts :p

Computer desk

Split 10 gallon in the computer room

Fry tank in front of my very messy junk closet (Obviously I am running out of tank room)
Oo OO! Windstone Gryphons! I *love* those:) and have a few dragons and some winged creatures too (in storage though*sobs*) You gave me a flash back to when I had them :)Anyway, your bettas are lovely too!
Bettaman, you must be rich! If you could afford the electric bill and water bill, you are richer than oprah!

Lol. You got more betta tanks, than all 3 of my lfs have community tanks PUT TOGETHER!!!

I bet your loval electric company LOVES you!

WOW. How do you do it?
mlee0332 said:
Bettaman, you must be rich! If you could afford the electric bill and water bill, you are richer than oprah!

Lol. You got more betta tanks, than all 3 of my lfs have community tanks PUT TOGETHER!!!

I bet your loval electric company LOVES you!

WOW. How do you do it?
I agree you have to be richer than Oprah to just afford the water and electricity bill.
Lol, and all my friends think I'm crazy for having one 10 gal, a 2.5, a split 2.5, and a 5. Silly them, I don't even have a forth of the tanks you all have! :p

:look: I am sooooooo jelous!
Lol, and all my friends think I'm crazy for having one 10 gal, a 2.5, a split 2.5, and a 5. Silly them, I don't even have a forth of the tanks you all have!

My friends used to think I was crazy, then they bought their first betta, then their second, then their third.........Well you know how it goes. I guess they figure, all she talks about are her darn fish, we should get some so we can at least have something in common.

For the record, I have a split 10, a 5, a 2.25 and 2 1's and my 20g female community. And yes I am going to get more, just waiting for my first pay day.
ScoutCarcer said:
mlee0332 said:
Bettaman, you must be rich! If you could afford the electric bill and water bill, you are richer than oprah!

Lol. You got more betta tanks, than all 3 of my lfs have community tanks PUT TOGETHER!!!

I bet your loval electric company LOVES you!

WOW. How do you do it?
I agree you have to be richer than Oprah to just afford the water and electricity bill.
It is quite cheap really, wish i was rich i would have 4 times as many..... :rofl: .....its a purpose built fish house for the keeping and breeding of bettas and importing to supply it cost about $20.00 a week to run with electric i use some time rainwater from a collected water butt so that is free.....and i pay my water rates in the UK so have already payed for the water so might as well get my fair shair........the barracks has only two heaters 300w and keeps constant at 80 in winter now warm is at about 85 so heaters not being used and low voltage lighting so cheap to run..........its a heaven on earth....... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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