What does IQ mean to you?

Does someone's IQ mean anything to you?
Do you feel that it's a valid way to judge someone's intelligence?
It is just a number, it is of no consequence in day to day life, there are much more valuable qualities (humour, kindness) in human relationships on which to judge. And, as stated, there are different types of intelligence that should be considered such as emotional intelligence, musical, physical/ kinesthetic...
But there is sometimes a time and a place to consider IQ. In a previous employment we trained adults but it was recognised that people with low IQ (80 and below, which is outside the range of most people) would not benefit from the training, and as such were not selected. There were certain levels of thinking skills required to access the training.
If you want to get smart, read books, get off the tv/phone/computer and do interesting things, interact with lots of different people, cultivate solitude, pray for wisdom.

None of that stuff will help you on an IQ test. :)
I’ve learned a frick ton of stuff on my phone, prolly more than I have in school lol
I’ve learned a frick ton of stuff on my phone, prolly more than I have in school lol
Agreed. I was more emphasizing the "do interesting things" part. The internet is a rabbit hole. There are certainly things to be learned there, as we prove every day on the forum. But it's too easy to just go from tik tok to tik tok, learning a frick ton (nice expression, by the way :lol:) without ever actually doing anything.
You can have the highest IQ but still act like a complete idiot and show your true colours (and intelligence & common sense...or lack of)
I remember reading something by Richard Marcinko, the Navy SEAL who founded SEAL Team 6. He talked about how there were two kinds of recruits in SEAL training. One kind he called gazelles. They were highly intelligent and natural athletes. They breezed through the physical tests and had no problems with the academic testing. The other group he called warthogs. They struggled with the physical tests and had to study hard to pass the academic testing. He said he preferred the warthogs. Things came easy to the gazelles because of their natural talents. But when they had to struggle for something, they often couldn't handle it. Warthogs were fighters who didn't give up because things got tough. They were used to that.
More important how good / nice person is than his / hers IQ
I remember reading something by Richard Marcinko, the Navy SEAL who founded SEAL Team 6. He talked about how there were two kinds of recruits in SEAL training. One kind he called gazelles. They were highly intelligent and natural athletes. They breezed through the physical tests and had no problems with the academic testing. The other group he called warthogs. They struggled with the physical tests and had to study hard to pass the academic testing. He said he preferred the warthogs. Things came easy to the gazelles because of their natural talents. But when they had to struggle for something, they often couldn't handle it. Warthogs were fighters who didn't give up because things got tough. They were used to that.
Exact that. Thanks for sharing.
One of the worst things you can tell a kid is, "You're so smart. You could do so much better in school." Because then they aren't going to bother. They are already getting praised without having to work for it.

What does IQ mean to you?​

Nothing in general...
Although, I do appreciate a conversation at a certain level...

To me, IQ isn't as important as someone's nature. I've been tested a number of times and it seems that I do have a high IQ. But to me, that's all to it. I can even have dumb and meaningless conversations. I also know people with a high IQ but with a low education. The level of IQ is something you are born with. Education can only stimulate it. But education itself doesn't result in a high IQ.

To me, it's about the person's nature...

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