What Does A Betta Ned To Survive?

my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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i seen alot of things with bettas and they dont seem to have filtration or heating ??? i thought they wuld need that what do they need to survive ?
a betta, is an anataboid, which means that it can extract oxygen from the air. so no, filtration is not required.
if the water temp is above a CNSTANT temp of 73*F a heater is not required. a min tank for a single betta is 2.5gallons. 5 pref
2.5 gallons? :-( I just bought a 1 gallon tank for my ( well my sons) yellow betta, He was in one of those betta sphere tanks, that are 1 liter. Thought a 1 gallon would have been perfect.Will he still be okay in a 1 gallon??
It has a bubble stone, for filtration, and I do partial water changes 2 times a week.
2.5 gallons? :-( I just bought a 1 gallon tank for my ( well my sons) yellow betta, He was in one of those betta sphere tanks, that are 1 liter. Thought a 1 gallon would have been perfect.Will he still be okay in a 1 gallon??
It has a bubble stone, for filtration, and I do partial water changes 2 times a week.

He'll be okay, for now, but I would suggest upgrading him ASAP.

EDIT: Oh, and I wouldn't keep the bubbler unless you have live plants, it'll only stress him out. A bubbler doesn't do any filtration.
1 gallon tanks are fine. I’m not sure where people are getting the 2.5 gallon minimum now. Yes more is always better, I agree with that. And personally my smallest tank is 2 gallons currently. However for many years the going size around here was 1 gallon per betta. As long as you do 100% water changes each week, you do not need a filter. Just be sure to use declore and have the water at room temperature so its not a shock to the system when you change it out.

The betta can live a long and happy live in a 1 gallon tank. The weekly water changes must be done religiously though. I suppose that’s why people have increased the common size? It allows for a little bit of “mistakeâ€￾ room.

Anyways, I fully promote large tanks, however the minimum is still 1 gallon in my eyes. Now, if you do upgrade to a 2 gallon I have the perfect little heater for you. Its more reliable the large the tank you have. That’s a fair reason to upgrade, but if you live in California or Florida where the winters are mild, then more power to you with your 1 gallons.

Anyways, here’s the small tank heater: http://www.thatpetplace.com/Products/KW/mi...6/Itemdy00.aspx
Those Hydor Mini heaters will likely need to be unplugged during the summer as they don't have a thermostat.
:/ The box that I have says there is a undergravel filter system, So I have been only taking out 1/3 of the water. Ive included some links, of the tank that I have.
Do I really need to replace all the water??once a week ( I do partial water changes 2 times a week)



Sure 50% water changes twice a week will be fine. As it equals 100% changes once a week.
100% water changes are just a bit safer since you’re sure you are removing all the ammonia.

The undergravel filter will help. If you leave it alone it may build up beneficial bacteria with time. But it’s very difficult to cycle a 1 gallon tank.
It seems like a nice little tank to me though. :D
:good: a couple of my bettas stress out in big tanks...scaredy fish someone might be hiding round the corner. :p
I have 2 of those hydro heaters..
1 has just developed a hole and packed up on me though! :sick:
what about in community tanks how do they do in them?i would love to have 1 i have a spare 3.5gal tank i could set up for 1 but my mum dont want me to because of eletric bills as i ahve 2 tanks set up already

but im wonderinf how they do in a community tank i have a nice 47gal i would introduce one to if it would go fine
what about in community tanks how do they do in them?i would love to have 1 i have a spare 3.5gal tank i could set up for 1 but my mum dont want me to because of eletric bills as i ahve 2 tanks set up already

but im wonderinf how they do in a community tank i have a nice 47gal i would introduce one to if it would go fine

My gut instinct is to tell you no. :(
But it all depends on the personality for the betta and what fish you have in there.

A male betta will destroy fancy guppys or anything that has a long tail that they may feel looks like another betta.

Some other types of fish will destroy the betta’s fins. They have long fins, and are somewhat slow swimmers since they have all that beautiful finnage slowing them down. Fast little fish may devour those pretty tails.

So what do you have in the tank? :)
what about in community tanks how do they do in them?i would love to have 1 i have a spare 3.5gal tank i could set up for 1 but my mum dont want me to because of eletric bills as i ahve 2 tanks set up already

but im wonderinf how they do in a community tank i have a nice 47gal i would introduce one to if it would go fine

Reading your tank details definately not because of the guppies. The Betta will take them out v quickly. Also you say you want some Neons which will follow the Betta around all day until he is just a body with no tail.

Mine is in with 3 mollies and 2 plecs and they get on famously but they are plain mollies 2 x black and 1 x silver balloon, and therefore he doesn't confuse them with a rival betta.

(He is also very good for clearing up fry so that my tank doesn't get too full with baby black mollies)
i dont have any small fish in my 47 gal tank no guppies or tetras ther all in my small tank in my big tank i have

2balloon mollies

2 dwarf gorumies

2rainbowfish (that hang with my goutmies)

2 clown loach

2 gobys(always berried themselves)

2 pearl gourmies

i know i may be close to being fully stocked with growth allowence here

if not i may set up my 3gal tank for a betta
i had a betta.. i had 2 gouramis.. my betta got eaten alive.. :-(

anyway, you can risk it. i foun that when my betta was still alive and well, it didnt bother my guppies, however they werent particularly fancy.

its up to you, i would be very cautious.

the 3 gal sounds perfect :) put on your best lil puppy dog face... ur mum will let ya :)

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