What Do Your Cory's Like To Eat


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi, i recently bought 2 peppered cory's and 2 sterbai cory's to go with my 5 albino cory's, my new ones have now settled in and they all school together, but what else could and would be ok to feed them on? i feed mine catfish pellets everyday and bloodworm every other day what else do you guys feed your cory's on?
My cory are scared of frozen blood worms, they freak out and swim well away from them. Mine live on catfish pellets. But i really want to give them some variety, any ideas what else they will eat?
I feed mine catfish pellets and tabimin tablets. twice a week they get bloodworm.

My neons and gourami are constantly trying to steal the catfish pellets though - greedy buggers! So the corys don't always end up getting many pellets because they're so passive and let the other fish steal their food. That's when I decided to start feeding some tablets, so they get more of a chance!

I think I read somewhere around here that they'll eat peas, too. though i haven't tried it yet.
My cory are scared of frozen blood worms, they freak out and swim well away from them. Mine live on catfish pellets. But i really want to give them some variety, any ideas what else they will eat?

awww, how long have you had your cory's for?
i believe you can try the with dalphina blocks to, and also algae wafers
My cory are scared of frozen blood worms, they freak out and swim well away from them. Mine live on catfish pellets. But i really want to give them some variety, any ideas what else they will eat?

awww, how long have you had your cory's for?
i believe you can try the with dalphina blocks to, and also algae wafers

3 months. I have frozen dalphina, are they the same? Oh yeah i have algae waffers but i only ever see the Otto and the Gourami tucking into them.
My cory are scared of frozen blood worms, they freak out and swim well away from them. Mine live on catfish pellets. But i really want to give them some variety, any ideas what else they will eat?

awww, how long have you had your cory's for?
i believe you can try the with dalphina blocks to, and also algae wafers

3 months. I have frozen dalphina, are they the same? Oh yeah i have algae waffers but i only ever see the Otto and the Gourami tucking into them.

i wouldnt worry to much they will be getting some left overs in their gravel, just keep feeding it to them every other day and they should soon start to realise that it is food and not to be so scared of it, how many cory's do you have?
I give mine, 2 different types of catfish pellets, bloodworm, brine shrimp, daphnia. Then different flake food and dried krill.
Live black worms daily. They love them, and they don't pollute as quickly as the dead things.

Cories will not care for peas.

They will get all the green nutrients they need from the water (there will be algae and plant material in the water) and bottom feeder tabs for catfish which are for omnivores. Some Cories will take an interest in algae tabs, but they aren't needed, and if other food is offered they may ignore them.
Mine love sera Vivachips they are not easily dissolved so they always have a chance
Staple diet with Hikari wafers and tetra cat pelets. The other fish often jostle over the pelets though so they get live bloodworms,frozen greens and cucumber every week/2weeks. They'll eat flake food if it sinks - very rare with the neons, guppy and gouramis in the tank though
Mine eat TetraTabimin and TetraDelica jellied bloodworm, daphnia and brineshrimp. And they help themselves to any sinking flakes.
Bloodworm, brineshrimp, 3 types of different wafer. I feel the bigger the variety in the diet the better. I am going to get round to making a paste that you can put onto stones, let it dry, then drop it in the tank so the cories can graze on it. I read about it in PFK but have never got round to doing it. Actually, I have a few moments spare right now........................
Mine LOVE the Wardley Freeze Dried Tubifex cubes! They come to the surface and compete w/ my danios!
Interesting question. I never actualy see any of my corys eat, they seem to just graze around the gravel. I tried bloodworm but they swim a mile away from it like im offering poison lol. Ive pu algae wafers in at night time. not actualy seen them eat any but there is a bit there next day which I see the mollies eating. So god knows how mine survive, maybe off the left overs on the bottom of flaked foods. They dont seem to bother with daphinia either, though I think they are eating that as it spreads all over the tank.

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