What Do You Think?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
This is my new Dwarf Puffer tank what do you guys think of the aquascaping??

:snap: :snap: :snap: :snap: :snap: :snap: :snap:




Nice :drool: , the rock makes a real good focal point, if it were me I'd move it to the left a bit.However your amazon sword will get massive and probably outgrow that tank lol.The plants at the back looks like something I had named 'fountain plants' .They're non-aquatic though and will eventually die and start to rot your water.This usually happens around 3 months after having them.
As I was studying the plants I noticed how you concealed the filter with slate...Nice work :good:
Nice :drool: , the rock makes a real good focal point, if it were me I'd move it to the left a bit.However your amazon sword will get massive and probably outgrow that tank lol.The plants at the back looks like something I had named 'fountain plants' .They're non-aquatic though and will eventually die and start to rot your water.This usually happens around 3 months after having them.
As I was studying the plants I noticed how you concealed the filter with slate...Nice work :good:

The Amazon Sward was taken from my large communal tank and will go back in there when it gets to big. and shoot!!! having read so much about the plants that are sold as aquatic then die I'm so annoyed :rolleyes: . the Riccia Fluitans were only a pound!!! bargain!!! I will move the rock left a bit its so hard to do it one go I always do the aquascaping them change it about 5 times before I'm happy :fun: .



Any other opinions??

Sweet little puff :wub:

I'm pretty useless at aquascaping myself :blush: :lol: but I'll have a go anyway.

The front looks a little bare with plain sand and the few strands of "grass" on the front right corner looks a bit out of place. Perhaps replacing it with a few short plants (e.g. some smaller Cryptocorynes) will look better. DPs are very curious and they love exploring nooks and crannies so the more crevices and hidden corners the better. Plants with a bit more foliage or some holey/twisty bogwood will help creating that. :D

Do you know where your puff sleeps at night btw?
The front looks a little bare with plain sand and the few strands of "grass" on the front right corner looks a bit out of place. Perhaps replacing it with a few short plants (e.g. some smaller Cryptocorynes) will look better. DPs are very curious and they love exploring nooks and crannies so the more crevices and hidden corners the better. Plants with a bit more foliage or some holey/twisty bogwood will help creating that. :D

Do you know where your puff sleeps at night btw?

Thanks :)

All taken in and I will be looking at it tomorrow ;)

and god knows were she sleeps :rolleyes: , ill try and fined out but we ever I'm in the room she seems very lively and inquisitive :rolleyes:


p.s. any other thoughts??

p.p.s. what should i feed the puffer if I'm going away for a weekend?? or is it best to have some one look after it??
I wouldn't worry too much if it's only going to be a weekend. She will be fine without food for a few days. You can always drop a few snails in there to keep her busy :lol:

Ooops! Just noticed that you have some MTS snails in there anyway LOL

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