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Well if you have the money then liverock will be a little bit faster (Since the baserock will just turn into liverock over time) But theres no problem with baserock. Either way, the recommended total is about 1 lb per gallon for filtration.

As for the snowflakes, I've never owned one but only because my tank isn't big enough.
If you do get cured rock, you'd only need to let your tank sit a few weeks to make sure you don't get a mini-cycle and can then add your critters after the water checks out.

If you do get cured rock, you'd only need to let your tank sit a few weeks to make sure you don't get a mini-cycle and can then add your critters after the water checks out.


Ok, - if you buy cured rock from an established tank and get it in to your tank within a very short space of time (transporting it in water) you may not get a cycle at all :good: and you certainly wouldn't have to leave it for a 'few weeks'.

If you buy cured rock from a lfs - it is likely to take a bit longer, probably the two weeks as suggested above

if you buy uncured rock, then yes, will take longer then the above.

If you buy base rock with a small amount of lr - the lr will eventually seed the base rock - but it will take a fair amount of time

As long as you test, test and test again and only when you have nitrates below 10 but best 0 can you add your cuc

So, you are watching for the cycle which ever way you choose to go - ammonia spike, then nitrite spike and then the nitrate spike - large water change and then test again after a couple of days, if nitrates still below 10 then go ahead and add some critters :good:

Seffie x

i assume your talking about doing a fishless cycle? where else would ammonia be coming from?

yes a fishless cycle - the ammonia comes from the lr die off, if no die off, no cycle - this would happen if you used lr from an established tank, transported the lr in water for a few minutes

Seffie x

If you do get cured rock, you'd only need to let your tank sit a few weeks to make sure you don't get a mini-cycle and can then add your critters after the water checks out.


Ok, - if you buy cured rock from an established tank and get it in to your tank within a very short space of time (transporting it in water) you may not get a cycle at all :good: and you certainly wouldn't have to leave it for a 'few weeks'.

Mixing a new tank, w/new substrate (which may cloud the water), w/a new batch of salt and adding new rocks, w/new equipment..I'd rather let it sit for a few weeks before adding anything even if the parameters check out ok. This was advised to me by a marine biologist who's worked w/major zoo aquariums in the U.S. He's also one of the leaders of our local reef club. Not all agree with waiting like that and I'm just stating why I suggested it. I guess its letting the water age a bit before adding anything else.

However, if I pulled water off an existing tank and plopped the rock in w/that then I wouldn't wait so long. :good:

Some people use mollies to cycle a tank, as they can stand the saltwater, but I have never tried it myself. I'd agree that live rock is the best way to go. The two biggest problems with you're stock list were the trigger and lionfish, so its good you decides against them. The list seems pretty good now, if you're definately going to upgrade. The tang and foxface will definately need a larger tank when they get older, since they need plenty of swimming room. If you're going to do this I suggest buying the youngest ones you can find, as long as they seem healthy. As for the eel vs. shrimp, I would go with the eel. Ive never had one myself but everytime I see a snowflake they are always sticking out of a rock look right back at you. If you're going to upgrade then you could always put shrimp in the 55g when the fish move out.
yea i've decided to go with the eel. i figured id save a cuc for a nano in the future. How about adding a Blue throated trigger to the list? My marine bioligist LFS guy recommended them as they aren't as aggressive.
ok so 1. snowflake eel 2. foxface 3. Blue hippo tang 4. Flame angel 5. Blue Throat trigger Sound like an appropriate order to stock them in? i figure, what, a month between each?
ok so 1. snowflake eel 2. foxface 3. Blue hippo tang 4. Flame angel 5. Blue Throat trigger Sound like an appropriate order to stock them in? i figure, what, a month between each?

Sounds ok to me. The time inbetween each just depends on how well the others are doing. Make sure they arent having territoral problems or any problems settling in. Other then that, a month sounds fine.
I'd do #1, 4 &5 and then add the other 2 when you have the bigger tank. Both fish 2&3 get up to 12" and won't have enough room in a smaller tank.
I would do 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 in that order. preferable add 2, 3, and 5 once you upgrade.

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