What Do You Think Of This?


Dec 30, 2008
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Long Island, NY
So i'm soon to start my FO tank and i'd like to know your opinions on my proposed setup. It is a 55gal with a 29gal sump, going to be run with bioballs with an Eshopps 800gph overflow and a Magdrive 950gph return pump. I have 2-230gph powerheads and a skimmer and UV setilizer will also be running. I figure about an inch of sand and a generous amount of caves made from baserock. I want to stock the following fish in this order:
1) Snowflake eel
2) Foxface
3) Volitan Lion
4) Blue tang
5) Picasso Trigger

I will get all of the above when they are very small and i sometime in the future will get a 125gal to transfer to(maybe 2 years?) So what do you guys think of this whole setup? All comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
That's a lot of flow through that size sump. Not necessarily too much, but with a BIG submersible like that you're going to be chewing through electricity and adding significant heat in the summertime. Although with FO lighting the heat may not be a problem, it would still be nicer on your electric bill if you dropped down to say a mag 7. Just my opionion.

As for the fish, ask yourself this: What happens if in two years you aren't ready for the 125g and your fish are too big for the 55? Would you be willing to make the difficult choice and part with them?

Oh, and :hi: to the salty forums :)
thanks for the reply. How would you feel about say a 300gph overflow and a magdrive 500? I would imagine the slower rate would maximize biological filtration, no? As for the fish, would i be able to knock one of those guys off my list to be able to keep the stock in the 55 if need be?
Too little overflow too much pump. The overflow must be able to handle the return pump flow. Its OK if the overflow is way oversized, so you can use the 800 overflow with the mag 5 or 7 if you like. Its really only your electric bill that's at stake here. I assume you'll at least have a powerhead or two like a hydor koralia or similar in the tank for the extra flow it'll need.

And the fish, it's not a matter of overcrowding as it's a matter of the tang and trigger just needing a bigger tank because they are big fish themselves. They can get 12" and bigger, too much for a little 55g.
i dont mean to be a PITA i just want to make sure i have things straight. So a 800gph overflow and a magdrive 700 right? So would i need to match that flow for the UV sterilizer and would i put that on the in or out line?
Well the UV sterilizer will need very little flow. It should have come with documentation for how much flow it likes, or find a manual on the net to figure it out. Put too much water through it and the stuff it's trying to kill just blow right past the UV and don't get sterilized by it. Easiest way to do this would be to put a Tee fitting off the return pump with a ball valve on the way up to the tank to shutoff if need be, and another ball valve or needle valve running to the UV sterilizer. Use that valve to cut off the flow really low through the UV and you're set.

And yes, an 800gph overflow and mag 7 would be fine. Make sure you use significantly sized piping for the drain :)
Ah the coralife turbotwist. You can put it pretty much wherever it's convenient. Mine just sort of lays about resting atop my baffles :lol:
Ah the coralife turbotwist. You can put it pretty much wherever it's convenient. Mine just sort of lays about resting atop my baffles :lol:

but you need to run it off of a powerhead right? i dont think mine are able to do that(maxijet 900's)
Right, but the tubing can run anywhere as it's a closed-loop type circuit. You could also run it off a Tee off your return line as I outlined above. My point is that the physical location of the sterilizer means little so long as you can run plumbing to it. It's basically just like a canister filter. Can hang off the back, sit underneath something, suspend it in midair if you like :)
In all my tons of reading I've done, I've read that triggers are one of the few than can kill a lionfish. They can get right in between their spines and peck them. :crazy:

Just wanted you to be aware of this. I'd say the only fish that'd be ok in a 55 long term would be the snowflake eel (echidna nebulosa). A Volitan, I think, would grow to fast to be in a narrow tank for 2 years. You could add it after you upgrade. Not sure on the growth of the other fish, though.
I know nothing about the other fish you have mentioned , but I do know that a 55gal tank is far to small for an adult volitan, they grow to around 15" in 18 months or so. Triggerfish can nip at the dorsal spines, which could kill the lionfish eventually.

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