What Do You Think Of This Video On 'you Tube'?

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Tough but nature I guess... not sure why he feels the need to post it on Youtube though.

I don't see it as nature. In nature the fish would choose smaller fish and swallow quickly. In nature the feeder fish would have a chance to escape. That was plain sick.
I agree and the guy filming it needs his head read, obviously he thought it was great, so great he put it on u tube.

In the UK, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 prohibits deliberate and "unnecessary suffering" to animals, but contrary to widespread belief, it doesn't explicitly outlaw the feeding of live feeder fish to other fish. However, it does prohibit introducing two animals for the purpose of "fighting, wrestling or baiting". [5]Nonetheless, the assumption is that a legal case could be made to class the use of feeder fish as a "fight" and though as-yet untried in the courts, the risk of such a prosecution has led many retailers and hobbyists simply to treat the use of feeder fish in the UK as illegal.

Go FenWoman :good:

fenwoman (1 hour ago)
that fish is far too large for the tiny tank it is in. You need to be prosecuted by an animal welfare organisation. Do you keep your budgie in a shoebox sized cage too? How about putting the budgie into a cage with an owl and watch that being ripped apart slowly like your other video with the too large feeder fish being ripped apart bit by bit.Incidentally your flowerhorn doesn't need feeder fish and was probably not even killing the goldfish to eat, more defending territory.
is it just me or is anyone else sick of youtube period!
I wish I knew how to hack and could delete the entire site from the net :/

youtube's not so bad if you ignore all the fishie videos. me and my bf recently started watching some old Japanese television show he watched as a kid--it's dubbed in Cantonese and subbed into English, so we both get to enjoy :hyper: where else are you going to have that kind of fun?

but as for feeder fish... tsk tsk. unless you're growing your own livebearers, then you aren't even really sastisfying the dietary needs of your fish! processed fish-food and frozen are much more efficient at getting the job done.
i think both videos are sick, what the hell must that goldfish be thinking as that flowerhorn is ripping its eyes out.and the other is no better, that large fish had a hard time turning round,never mind the mental damage it is doing.its a shame some people just think of fish as disposable toys, you cant argue with people who feed small fish to predetor fish that need it, as that happens in the wild, but no need to bloody film it and show it to the world.(also the pray has a chance to escape)the second one left it a little late in moving the fish, how are you gonna get that thing out and into another tank? its about time youtube got their act together and banned all cruel fish videos, they ban such videos as cruelity to other animals like dogs,rabbits,etc.so why not fish?bloody idiots, they have no idea!!!!
That poor fish died a slow and painful death. It wopuld be a lot different if the fish had killed him instantly as that would be more humane and the fish would not suffer. I hope the man that posted that video has testicle cancer. :angry:
Lets look at the facts people, the life of that goldfish sucked... period.. it was kept in a large tank that was poorly filtered and prob barely fed anything. It could prob barely move in the big tank in the lfs and it was bred for the purpose of feeding peoples fish, although i strongly discourage this just because of the possible disease transmission that can happen when you feed your fish feeders from the store. So i'm just glad that the fish died, because i'm sure it is better for the fish to die a bad death then live a long life in the feeder tank at the lfs.

And anyways, people say thats horrible. Nature is where an animal gets eaten by a bigger animal. Thats just how the world works. Sorry that the world isnt a cushiony happy place. I agree too that posts like this are quite unneccesary and that we should all try to refrain from posting useless and stupid topics such as this.

And another thing, people are morbidly obsessed with death and how things die. If you think its so cruel and horrible that people do things like this, don't watch it then. I hate it so much when people sit there and criticize something after watching it. The description sad it was a fish being eatin. If you didnt wanna watch it, then don't click the link only to B*tch about it after. christ

EDIT: O ya, on the point of the person owns that, yes, he needs to whipped. How could you think a fish that size would be ok in a tank that is a little longer than the fish? I don't even know hwo that fish turns around without breaking its back bone honestly. I love how he think sit funny too and it makes it ok by saying in the name of the video, "same fish, and definatly needing a bigger tank!" hahahahahahahahahahaha your hilarious. that poor fish.....
That is sick, that embarasement of a person could not call him/herself a fish lover by the way they kept that fish in that size of tank. :no:
I knew a guy in high school who kept a snapping turtle in a tank which couldn't have been more than 40 gallons. It literally could not turn around. :angry:
I knew a guy in high school who kept a snapping turtle in a tank which couldn't have been more than 40 gallons. It literally could not turn around. :angry:

Whats even worse you say then that? How about this. I went to the virginia aquarium and they had a snapping turtle in a tank i would say no bigger than 40G. And i would hope they would know a thing or two about how you shouldnt do that.......

So i'm just glad that the fish died, because i'm sure it is better for the fish to die a bad death then live a long life in the feeder tank at the lfs.

And anyways, people say thats horrible. Nature is where an animal gets eaten by a bigger animal. Thats just how the world works.
And another thing, people are morbidly obsessed with death and how things die. If you think its so cruel and horrible that people do things like this, don't watch it then. I hate it so much when people sit there and criticize something after watching it. The description sad it was a fish being eatin. If you didnt wanna watch it, then don't click the link only to B*tch about it after. christ

EDIT: O ya, on the point of the person owns that, yes, he needs to whipped. How could you think a fish that size would be ok in a tank that is a little longer than the fish? I don't even know hwo that fish turns around without breaking its back bone honestly. I love how he think sit funny too and it makes it ok by saying in the name of the video, "same fish, and definatly needing a bigger tank!" hahahahahahahahahahaha your hilarious. that poor fish.....
1st, funny how you hate people bitching about the videos when you have done it yourself?
second, you right it happens in nature but the fish has a chance to escape or atleast live a happy life before hand.not sure about it being better dead, well not how it died anyways,must be a horrid way to lose your life.we are all awear of what happens to feeder fish but why do we have to be shown it? cant it be done discreatly,posting topics like this let people know whats happening and how NOT to treat your fish, plus its one of those videos you can't watch but cant not watch,if you hate topics like this so much, why you click on the title?
Forget whats going on in the video, if anything, I get irked that people don't care enough for their animals to properly research what kind of foods are best for them. Feeder goldfish are so terrible for other fish it amazes me that it's not common knowledge. Hell, just from working in an LFS I can't even remember how many times I've seen feeders with anchor worms. Yea, I'd def love to give that to my fish! :good:
No Lisa no need at all.

Like most of these posts it never achieves anything other than getting people worked up.
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