What Do You Think Of My Dragon?

with half moons the spread of the tail fin is 180% when flared. deltas fall below this (less than 180). super deltas are defined as "over delta" (depends on the number of rays in the tail and how much they split)- so would go delta, superdelta, halfmoon. anything over a 180 degree spread is an over half moon (OHM) . there are also feather and rose tails- but that refers to the "ruffles" on the edges and how many times the rays split. usually these are halfmoon variety or over half moons. spade tails look like a spade. roundtails are also out there and as name describes, are round. veiltails are the "common" bettas (although my favorite type) and their tails are very long and droopy, as a veil.
and then there are half suns and over half suns. these are a crown mix with HM and OHM and have little "points" on the fins as crowntails do. and a comb tail is a crowntail with too much "webbing" between the rays in the tail fin. i think thats all of them.

i love your new guy. and his tank is GREAT!

Thankyou for your comments. Its nice to know I bought a fishy that others can drool over..lol. I think hes gorgeous as I have been watching him since I spotted him last week, hoping he wojuldnt get snatched up. I will probably get my head around the tail name thing eventually, but they are so gorgeous it doesnt matter what they are called. however I do like a super delta...is it possible to get a rosetail super delta..you know one with lots of webbing. I will have to rrsearch the genetics and heredity
congrats on getting your stefzco, arn't they gorgeous, cant wait to get my silly tank sorted out
HYACH....just as a matter of curiosity, in which way are fish transported by mail?
That fish is gorgeous. I lost one like that because the lid wasn't on properly and he must've jumped :(
HYACH....just as a matter of curiosity, in which way are fish transported by mail?

when i received mine [wasnt from the same seller though] they came in a little bubble with a bit of water in, a heat pack, packed well with foam peanuts

so yours will be shipped similarly =]
HYACH....just as a matter of curiosity, in which way are fish transported by mail?

when i received mine [wasnt from the same seller though] they came in a little bubble with a bit of water in, a heat pack, packed well with foam peanuts

so yours will be shipped similarly =]


The seller we bought from sent Apollo in double bags, wrapped in carrier bags (!) and no heatpack.

When I post I use a small amount of water but not so small that they struggle, and I fill the bag from an air pump too. I then put a heatpack on the bottom of the polystyrene box I use to post him in. I wrap up the gaps with kitchen roll :good:
A "little buubble"" ah bless, doesnt sound very nice, awwwww, poor little fella
how do I acclimatize him, when I get him home

I wish I hadn't bought him now, that seems awful cruel. carrier bags, she better not ship mine in carrier bags I'll have a fit
lol I'm the one who left the neutral feedback.

He was boxed, and she used carriers for padding - but the poor little man was frozen :(

acclimatise him by adding your water slowly to his bag :good: as well as floating him I mean lol
thanks Hyach.... I float him in the bag he comes in and add a little of my water ..ok.. how much time should i take to acclimatize him x
what I did with Apollo as he was so cold I floated him for an hour and then added my water slowly every 10 mins for 40 mins - then I added him in the tank :nod:
LilyRose, just to let you know White Clouds are cool water fish and will not appreciate betta temperatures at all.... Also they're very active and all their zipping around might stress him out. Perhaps try a bottom dweller?

Your tank is looking great with all plants and hides, though I would really switch to silk plants if I were you. My boy managed to shred his tail on a silk plant that had a teeny (like 1mm) point of plastic poking from it.

The fish you're getting is stunning...if you get bored with him, feel free to send him my way :shifty:
LilyRose, just to let you know White Clouds are cool water fish and will not appreciate betta temperatures at all.... Also they're very active and all their zipping around might stress him out. Perhaps try a bottom dweller?

Your tank is looking great with all plants and hides, though I would really switch to silk plants if I were you. My boy managed to shred his tail on a silk plant that had a teeny (like 1mm) point of plastic poking from it.

The fish you're getting is stunning...if you get bored with him, feel free to send him my way :shifty:

haha lol. Yes he is a beaut isnt he, I can't wait to have him, but my blasted tank is messing me about...anyone..a hypothetical question...
If a full tank change ( water renewed all gravel out and new gravel in...that sort of thing) had "killed", "stunned" my bacs, are N-bacs stronger than A-bacs...as I am seeing 0 readings in nitrite and 5ppm in nitrate although my ammonia is dropping very slowly? therefore is itpossible for prior colony of n-bacs to work even though a -bacs arent working as hard...
my ammonia is 2/4
nitrites .50/0 and nitrates 5ppm

and I shall slowly switch to silk, when my hubbys not look ning...spent £100 on decs!
My Dragon is a super delta, The breeder was very kind and sent a video on u tube. If you want a peek at my stunningly beautiful boy, Blaze...


thanks x

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