What Do You Think About The Compatability Of These Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2008
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As you mightv read I am getting a new 300 litre tank in a few weeks and wanted to ask you guys if these tankmates are allright.

I am putting 3 boeseman rainbows, 1 irian red rainbow, 4 clown loaches, 2 boliv rams, 3 kuhlii's, 3 pakistani loaches, 7 neon tetras, 1 bn pleco from my old tank.

-Ill get another 3 boesemans to keep them company
-3 bala sharks
-2 angelfish (havent decided on variety yet)
-1 firemouth cichlid
-1 bgk
-4 more clown loaches
-1 nice expensive pleco, like a snowball

I am planning for the tank to be planted with a sand substtrate ( the tank is a juwel rio 300), I will be running the internal filter than comes with it and a tetratec ex 700.

Also do you guys have n e other suggestions for fish, or have I prob got enough?
I am thinking the Firemouth may not like the Angels. The one I had terrorized everything in the tank. Even the catfish. I have heard others with better experience than I though with that particular fish. I think only one may mean disaster.
I am thinking the Firemouth may not like the Angels. The one I had terrorized everything in the tank. Even the catfish. I have heard others with better experience than I though with that particular fish. I think only one may mean disaster.

would it be better to vet a few? I have heard than one they get very territorial
I would leave out the bala sharks. They get too big for the tank and are better in groups of at least 6.

How wide is the tank? You need to make sure it is wide enough for the BGK, since they could hit up to 2 ft.
That sounds like a large number of really big fish for an 80 gal tank. You have a dozen fish on that list that can exceed a foot in length, not counting the undecided plec.

BGK will likely eat the neons, and any other smallish fish.
The bala sharks get relatively large fish that swim alot and equire a lot of room. I would drop the balas, the BGK, since they get 2 ft. and are aggressive when they mature, and teh firemouth, since they can be semi-aggressive and fin nippers.
I agree with everything already said. Also the Angels will most likely eat the neons and I think you might be pushing it with 8 clown loaches.
Do you have room for another smaller tank for the neons and possibly the kuhli loach, if these were removed then you would have no problems in adding some larger species.
The BGK is a fairly slow growing fish and i would say that if the smaller fish were removed you could keep one quite happily for a while. A single firemouth might work but males can be quite territorial and they may cause you problems in the future. I also agree that the Bala sharks will quite quickly outgrow the tank.

if it is not possible to remove the smaller fish to another tank then this would be my reccomendation,

300L / 80G

2 Rams
2 Angels
2 Festivum

6 Bosemani
3 Red Rainbows
7 neons

6 clowns
3 pakistani loach
3 kuhli loach
1 BN plec
1 exotic plec (5")
Allright thanks for all the feedback guys, what a good forum:D

Thanks for the heads up on the balas, seen a few vids on youtube of them fully grown and they get huge! so I wont be getting them anymore.

I have decided to rehome the neons into a tank with my male betta at my bedside, so they are fine there. The BGK I am still undecided about, I might get one of those in few months once I have decided on it.

I think for the tank I will decide to get:

3 angels (could any of you recomend some nice looking varieties?)
1 firemouth cichlid or festivum or gold severum (what would u guys recommend?)
4 clown loaches
ill get another 3 boesemans to make it 6.
1 pleco, havent decided, I like the look of the snowball plec
1 red irian rainbow
1 bn pleco
3 kuhli loaches
2 boliv rams

do you guys think that is enough?

Cam, is it a good forum because they have not said the tank will not cope with more loaches or that angels and firemouth should not be kept together? I think maybe they are just less blunt about it...

3 Angels would be asking for trouble. As would adding another aggressive cichlid and any more clown loach - but you already know this.

As for 'is this enough' - it is too much but again, you already know this.
I would definitely go for the festivum over the potential aggressive firemouth and the larger severum
personally i prefer veil tailed angels but depends on your preference to what colours you want in the tank.
lol indi r u like mad at me or sumtin cause I am in a different forum, im sorry I am cheating on tropical fish forums:D. I wanted some different opinions on the matter. and as you have prob read im still deciding on the fish, and im not getting balas ne more. and I am ASKING about compatability
Cam, sometimes compatibility also includes tank size and stocking levels. For instance, fish that need to be kept in groups and also reach a large size severely limit the size tank you can put them in. When you start getting into large fish, the old 1" per gallon guide goes out the window. The are generally messier and require extra filtration (what is your filter rated?).

From looking at your last list, I believe 5 clown loaches, 1 pleco, (havent decided, I like the look of the snowball plec), 1 bn pleco, 3 kuhli loaches & 2 boliv rams are too many bottom dwellers for the tank. I would agree with most others that you are planning on way too many large fish for your tank.
Cam, sometimes compatibility also includes tank size and stocking levels. For instance, fish that need to be kept in groups and also reach a large size severely limit the size tank you can put them in. When you start getting into large fish, the old 1" per gallon guide goes out the window. The are generally messier and require extra filtration (what is your filter rated?).

From looking at your last list, I believe 5 clown loaches, 1 pleco, (havent decided, I like the look of the snowball plec), 1 bn pleco, 3 kuhli loaches & 2 boliv rams are too many bottom dwellers for the tank. I would agree with most others that you are planning on way too many large fish for your tank.

ok so what would you suggest then? Ill be using the internal filter that comes with the tank and a tetratec ex 700. i dont want to take back the clowns, and im pretty sure kuhlii's dont produce very much waste. should I re-home the bn?
If you really want a large pretty fish. Go with "one" such as the Severum. That is what I have as a centerpiece fish. Then you could add a school of some sort, a plec, and some loaches. Maybe a smaller shark of some sort or one medium sized fish that will not eat your school and get along with the severum.

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