What do you think about Cherry Barbs?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
I've been looking for and "interesting" fish so my hubby will be at least a little interested in my hobby. I've seen people mention tiger barbs and even though they sound aggresive, they also sound very interesting. As I was reading up on them I came across Cherry Barbs. They are very pretty fish. Now I won't be getting them for some time but would like to know as much about them as I can before I go buy them. Thier tank mates will be 6 Black Skirt Tetras. Will they be compatible? and does anyone out there have any first hand experience with them? Thanks for any help you can give me.


Here is some info I found:

Puntius titteya
Common Names: Cherry Barb
Synonyms: Barbus titteya, Capoeta titteya
Family: Cyprinidae
Origin: Sri Lanka.
Main Ecosystem: Stream

Temperament: Peaceful. Cherry Barbs are timid of their own species.

Diet: Ominvore

Care: Feed with normal or vegetable flakes, or live foods. Keep dense vegetation and some floating plants in the tank. The Cherry Barb is a loner and will hide from other Cherry Barbs in these plants. Easy to keep.

pH: 6.0 - 8.0
Temperature: 23.0°C - 27.0°C (73°F - 81°F)
Hardness: 5.0°dH - 20.0°dH

Potential Size: 5cm (2")

Water Region: All
Activity: Diurnal

Breeding: Place pairs in a small, densly planted breeding tank. Remove the fish after spawning so they don't eat the eggs. The Cherry Barbs hang their eggs by a thread to the plants.

Gender: The male is heavier built and turns bright red, orange or pink near spawning time.

Comments: The Cherry Barb should be kept alone in a small tank or in pairs in a larger tank. They can be kept in larger numbers if the vegetation is dense.

Most of the other sites gave similar information - one stated they should be in groups and another suggested that they can be fin nippers.

I have never kept any barbs so I can't give you anything from personal experience. I am sure someone more in the know will give you some more insight.

Cheers, Eddie
I dont have cherry barbs but I do have tiger barbs, 7 in total and they hold their own ground against my 5 black skirts and the tetras are a lot larger than the tigers so with what all are saying about the cherrys I would think you should be alright.

Cherry Barbs are just about the most docile of the barbs. Most others such as the tiger or checkered may fin nip (they did my neon tetras) but you should have no problems keeping cherrys. I found it best to keep 2 Males and 3 Females.
Thanks so much for the info so far. Keep it coming though! Like I said, the more info I have before buying the better.

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