What do you make of this - on ebay

canoechiq said:
I can't remember off-hand how big they are.... but they are small. Probably no taller than 10 or 11 inches with the pineapple top. All the stores areound here are closed for Canada Day, but I will be at one on Friday so I'll figure out how big they are then.
4" diameter by 8" high. 1.57 litres.
i called one retailer of the sponge bob pineapple fish tank. i asked them what is the max recomended internal volume. (how high you can fill it). they sais 32 ounces. thats half a gallon right? thats not so bad as some of you drum beaters think.
You have to face it. To most people fish are a disposable pet. They do not get the same respect as a dog or a cat.

The seller does care nor does the manufacturer. They don't give a hoot, its just a way to make cash. Some people will forgive them for thier ignorance. As long as its not illegal anyone can claim ignorance. Ahhh sorry I did not mean to sell a tiny fish bowel vs Sorry I did not know that dumping TOXIC waste into ocean was against the law. That won't help much with the DNR.

I ran over 20 cats the other day. I don't think there is a law against it. Who cares anyway cause I'm ignorant and all is forgiven!!

I hate f---ing ingnorant people!!!!

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