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Jan 30, 2005
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well i own a five gal. curr 0 fish should i get 6 neon tetras or 4 cardanial tetras

neons rule
:rofl: :dunno:
I'm assuming that you're a beginner to fishkeeping, so if you're not please excuse me.
1 inch of fish per gallon is the general rule to beginner fishkeeping. Once you're more advanced, you can stock more fish, but that requires things like live plants, extra filtration, etc.
As neons grow to approximately 1.5-2" and cardinals are roughly the same, you'd be overstocking either way. Though cardinals are hardier than neons themselves, they still would prefer a mature tank rather than a new tank. Neons need an established tank.

In a 5 gallon, you'd be best doing either a betta with a couple African Dwarf Frogs, or a couple male guppies. [Males only to avoid unwanted breeding.]
If it's schooling fish you're after, you could always try what a friend of mine has. She managed to pick up three neon dwarf rainbowfish on sale at my LFS, and loves them. They only get to be about 2", so there's less of a problem of overstocking. They're also very active and fun to watch.

Honestly though, a betta and a couple ADFs is your best bet.
And this is why I dislike LFSs.
Your best bet is to do your own research, like you're doing now. You can never really trust what your LFS says unless it is exactly what you have found in your own research, or your personally know that person working there and know of their success with fish.
I only trust certain employees at my LFS, because I've had long conversations with them during their coffee breaks, and I know that they know their stuff.

Trust me, 6 neons or 4 cardinals in a 5g wouldn't work all that well. A 5 gallon tank is not that stable, and requires more upkeep. It's more susceptible to temperature fluctuations, etc. In a tank that small you need something relatively easy to take care of.
Also, in my experience, neons and cardinals like their swimming space. I actually have both due to an LFS mistake. Of my 6 'neons', there are 5 cardinals and one neon. They swim all over the tank and seem to thoroughly enjoy the space.
Do research in books magazine or something by an expert.

I would not call talking to us as research. This is only to back research you have already done for yourself.

Disliking the lfs's is not the answer, we can be giving you psycho advice for all u know.
canarsie11 said:
Do research in books magazine or something by an expert.

I would not call talking to us as research. This is only to back research you have already done for yourself.

Disliking the lfs's is not the answer, we can be giving you psycho advice for all u know.
While this is true, I like to think that the people on these forums would be more helpful than not. :)

That, and where I am there aren't that many fishkeeping books available for research purposes only. It's just the ones in the LFS that are like, beginner guides.

I also didn't phrase my earlier sentence properly. By saying "And this is why I dislike LFSs", I didn't mean all of them. Mainly just the ones that are out to make money and don't care about the welfare of their fish.
id say you would be better off with a few male guppies or something, a fish that doesnt need to school would be good, i think that cardinals grow a little bigger than neons... a fish store also told me that i could keep the silver arrowana she had, in my 55g with with other cichlids :no: dont always beelive your lfs, although, this guy was pretty close by saying 5 or 6 neons

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