What Do You Keep With Your Oscars?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I have a 120 gallon tank and plan on having these fish in it by next weekend:

1 tiger oscar (already have him/her)
1 common pleco (already have him)
1 bumblebee catfish (already have him)
4-6 clown loaches (already have one)

Should I add anything else or should I leave it at the current stock I have planned? I was thinking about another cichlid maybe.

and for now some firemouthes and senegal bichirs (not sure how they'll work out when he's older, anyone know if it'll be a problem?)

if i ever find them i'd like to add some geophagus (any type really), and i'm still debating on a pleco

edit: they're in a 240 gallon long, 5 severums, 2 firemouthes, 2 bichirs and the oscar, well, and one belligerent bristlenose, but i'll have him out of there shortly (no one bothers him yet though)

and for now some firemouthes and senegal bichirs (not sure how they'll work out when he's older, anyone know if it'll be a problem?)

if i ever find them i'd like to add some geophagus, and i'm still debating on a pleco

I've always wanted a gold severum but could never find one.

and for now some firemouthes and senegal bichirs (not sure how they'll work out when he's older, anyone know if it'll be a problem?)

if i ever find them i'd like to add some geophagus, and i'm still debating on a pleco

I've always wanted a gold severum but could never find one.

i finally found one the other day, i had to drive about an hour and a half north to get it, but i finally got one, it was the only one they had too, all my others are turqoise, its probably my favorite fish next to my oscar

they had a jurupari at that store too, but the first time i went my tank wasn't up so i didn't get it, and when i went back to get the severum and the jurupari they'd sold it, oh well

and for now some firemouthes and senegal bichirs (not sure how they'll work out when he's older, anyone know if it'll be a problem?)

if i ever find them i'd like to add some geophagus, and i'm still debating on a pleco

I've always wanted a gold severum but could never find one.

i finally found one the other day, i had to drive about an hour and a half north to get it, but i finally got one, it was the only one they had too, all my others are turqoise, its probably my favorite fish next to my oscar

they had a jurupari at that store too, but the first time i went my tank wasn't up so i didn't get it, and when i went back to get the severum and the jurupari they'd sold it, oh well
Would it be a problem if the severum was larger than the oscar? Or should I try to get it smaller?
I'm no severum expect or oscar expect by any means, but I'd aim to get the severem at a larger size than the oscar, mostly because it would be the lesser of the two agressive wise also I think the oscar would probably grow faster anyways.
My friend used to keep oscars and he said they were viscious towards each other- make sure they all grow at the same rate as if one grows biggger than the other one it results in bullying. Firemouth would be a good idea- it gets viscious towards smaller fish however as it would never grow bigger. (Oscars grow to 14inch, Firemouths grow to 6inch)
Maybe another suggestion is the Blue Acara- Theese are really nice looking and also peaceful fish.
Hope i helped!
I have successfully kept my Oscars with lone Jack Demseys. I like the idea of the golden severums, but I would get them bigger than the Oscar. I've got a mated pair of severums and the grow considerably slower than Oscars. My favorite tank mate for my Oscars are Synodontus Eupterus. I have never had a problem with this combo and if both bought small never have presented as a problem. I will admit that I have never had a "huge" oscar (ie 18 inchers people talk about), but have kept a 13 inch albino with a 6.5 inch syno. If anything the syno bullied the Oscar, but only if the Oscar butted his nose into the synos cave.

I keep:

2 Clown Loaches
2 Plecs
2 Firemouths
2 Green Terrors

all nice and happy

Dont keep convict cichlids with oscars - they bully them - i lost an oscar due to them bullying her :(
Hi, I'm new to this Forum, so... Hello All.. :D

Just like to ask about keeping Angels with 1 Oscar?:wub:

Other ppl have done this as long as there are more Angels than oscars.. my Tanks are end to end and they are fasinated with each other!! Do i risk introducing them into one tank?
Hi, I'm new to this Forum, so... Hello All.. :D

Just like to ask about keeping Angels with 1 Oscar?:wub:

Other ppl have done this as long as there are more Angels than oscars.. my Tanks are end to end and they are fasinated with each other!! Do i risk introducing them into one tank?

Just a friendly statement. It's not courtious to try to start a thread in someone elses thread, If you start your own thread on this topic you will get more responses, :D
I've always wanted a gold severum but could never find one.

That is really weird to me to hear that because where I'm from Severums are not that hard to come by. Just the other day my lfs had one in, and a couple months ago I bought 2 golds from them for cheap. Greens are the tough ones, but for those I just go to Seattle.
I've always wanted a gold severum but could never find one.

That is really weird to me to hear that because where I'm from Severums are not that hard to come by. Just the other day my lfs had one in, and a couple months ago I bought 2 golds from them for cheap. Greens are the tough ones, but for those I just go to Seattle.
I keep 2 four lined pims with my O. They have been together since last april and doing great.

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