What do you guys do for food?

I have small tetra so I feed them Omega One, Tetra Min plus, Hikari Miro Pellets, Wardley tropical flakes and for my cory Wardley shrimp pellets
In the old days, many fish foods were made with low quality fish meals (cannery waste) and lots of grain/grain starch as filler/binder. Now a days, many QUALITY fish foods are still made with fish meal, but it's WHOLE fish meal (big difference - although it's surely not table quality fish!).
For prepared commercial food I mix Tetramin Tropical Flakes with Omega One Tropical Flakes and often a 3rd high quality flake food. According to Chris Stoll, Marketing Mgr. with Spectrum Brands, Tetramin is made with "fishmeal made with whole fish not from fish waste or remains". Omega One is made with fresh fish, although they do not claim to be whole fish...perhaps the fresh salmon remains after fillets are cut out?
I also culture live foods. Micro worms (for fry), a warm temperature strain of white worms (incredibly prolific), and daphnia. In warm weather I also culture daphnia (and collect mosquito larvae) in outdoor bins. White worms are a super food with 70% protein and 15% fat. Some worry about feeding to often, but I've communicated with breeders that feed every day and swear by it.
I have written articles on live food cultures, published in our club newsletter. If you PM me with an email address I can send a PDF or two along.
p.m. sent
In the old days, many fish foods were made with low quality fish meals (cannery waste) and lots of grain/grain starch as filler/binder. Now a days, many QUALITY fish foods are still made with fish meal, but it's WHOLE fish meal (big difference - although it's surely not table quality fish!).
For prepared commercial food I mix Tetramin Tropical Flakes with Omega One Tropical Flakes and often a 3rd high quality flake food. According to Chris Stoll, Marketing Mgr. with Spectrum Brands, Tetramin is made with "fishmeal made with whole fish not from fish waste or remains". Omega One is made with fresh fish, although they do not claim to be whole fish...perhaps the fresh salmon remains after fillets are cut out?
I also culture live foods. Micro worms (for fry), a warm temperature strain of white worms (incredibly prolific), and daphnia. In warm weather I also culture daphnia (and collect mosquito larvae) in outdoor bins. White worms are a super food with 70% protein and 15% fat. Some worry about feeding to often, but I've communicated with breeders that feed every day and swear by it.
I have written articles on live food cultures, published in our club newsletter. If you PM me with an email address I can send a PDF or two along.

I just found this thread as I began researching foods for fish; I just set up a 75-gallon tank that is cycling with plants only, and plan to get fish (peaceful community types) and some shrimp in July or August.

25 years ago, Tetra foods were what I fed, but I figured that 25 years of research and increased competition would bring new foods to the market, and I can see I was correct!

I would be interested in the articles you've written on live food cultures, Abbey's Dad--I'm going to have to do some of that for frogs I'm planning to get later this year, too, so I may as well learn now! I hope you don't mind me jumping onto this thread to ask!
Hi and :hi:
It is definitely worth feeding "premium" foods. They need so little it lasts for ages and a lot of brands, even the well known ones, are mostly filler. For the last few years I have been using New Life Spectrum and Omega One almost exclusively. These have become very expensive in the UK and (now) are difficult to source. I did see some Northfin on Amazon that ticked all the boxes at reasonable prices, but in the end I placed an order yesterday for Dennerle foods as they are much cheaper than what I have been using and more likely to remain easy to get (German brand).

I try to feed a variety, flakes or micro pellets depending on the fish, algae wafers and shrimp pellets. I also use Fluval bug bites as a treat but probably won't order again as some of the Dennerle stuff I ordered has a high insect content. Once a week they get Tetra Delica as a treat - this one is new to me but the fish seem to like it :). I don't bother with frozen or freeze dried food as its not particularly nutritious and food like bloodworm should not be fed more than once a week anyway. I occasionally (rarely) collect daphnia but must confess I am nervous about introducing pathogens with live food - and what I do feed already meets all their needs.
Welcome! I agree on above. I feed New Lfe Spectrum and Imega One also. I have both flakes and pellets, depending on fish. My cories get Omega One vegetable wafers and shrimp pellets. They all get Fluval Insect Bites. Rarely, they get frozen bloodworms. :)

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