What Do You Feed Your Bettas?

What do you feed your bettas?

  • Zoomed betta pellets

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Do you give them whole peas? How do you prepare them?

I buy frozen peas, so I'll firstly put the pea in some hot water to de-freeze. Then it's de-shelled and usually ends up in at least 2 parts - sometimes I'll cut these in half to make quarters. Now prepared, I just give the pieces to my betta - not nescescarily the whole pea, but he'll eat a good amount of it :)
I had to say other on the survey. I feed my nice male whatever the endlers and bristlenose plecos that he lives with gets. He also gets all the endler fry he can eat. He seems to do quite well with me never ever buying any specialty betta food. I personally think that "betta food" is a giant rip off. A Betta splendens is always well fed if he gets the same flake food as almost any other fish in your tank, but they could not charge as much for generic fish food as they do for "special" betta foods. If you are a betta only person, please don't take this personally but you are spending many-fold what you should for basic fish food. A betta splendens requires about the same amount of protein, crude fiber and starches as any typical tropical fish for good health. Only the packaging makes this stuff special IMO.
My male
Different fish have different diets, bettas are mainly carnivorous fish eating small insects in the wild, and other live foods.. I wouldn't recommend feeding a food with a high vegetable matter content to bettas as a staple diet. It is not very healthy. Tropical fish foods labeled specifically for bettas are beneficial in some cases. New Life Spectrum, Omega One Betta Pellets, and Atisons Betta Pro. They all contain high nuitional value to bettas that in some cases wouldn't be found in regular flake or pellet food mean for the majority of fish
Seems like every one feeds differently., i cracked up at the video of the betta eating peas!

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