What Do You Feed Your Bettas?

What do you feed your bettas?

  • Zoomed betta pellets

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Mar 1, 2011
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I want to know what you guys feed your bettas. Check the ones you use. Thanks!
Mainly Betta Bio Gold by Hikari, but also Prima, Frozen Brine shrimp and Tetra Betta.

I just caught one of my Betta's with a skinny Celestial Pearl Danio in its mouth :crazy:
I usually feed my male betta a couple of Hikari pellets a day, which tend to be mixed in with some JBL nano food (I got it a long while ago for some tetras), so he usually ends up with a little of that too. Every so often he also has pea and as I found out earlier today, he seems to like freeze-dried bloodworms, so they'll probably end up on the 'menu' two or three times a week as well.
Your betta eats peas?

Livewire, i cant beleive your betta ate a celestial pearl danio.
Bettas love peas! Mine likes some cucumber (which I originally put in for a pleco) too.
Livewire, i cant beleive your betta ate a celestial pearl danio.

I couldn't believe it either!! it was a bit shocking to tell the truth, how on earth did he catch it thats what I want to know.
Omg, was thinking of putting a couple of my Cpd's in with one of my Bettas.
I won't now!
My guy is in a community tank so I feed a wide range of things per day. 1 day a week they get frozen brineshrimp w/spirulina and 1 day frozen bloodworm. They have a "fast" day but they may get peas on that day. The rest of the time I put a mix of three foods in at the same time so that everyone gets something. TetraMin Flakes, TetraMix Wafers and Tetra Prima Pellets. He gets some of all of it. I also feed Hikari algae wafers and veggies for the plecs which he also eats lol. I do have some Atison's Betta pellets but I don't feed them very often at all but everyone in the tank will eat them gladly.
1Month +
frozen blood worms, aqua one betta pellets, aqua one tropical flakes
(the pellets are ok, though i would of rather a feeder that was a little better, for some reason my oldest betta only eats this brand of food, btw ~,~ not a joke, he wont touch 6 other brands i got, though he is ok with tropical flakes also, there not a main feeder though more of a 1 time feed every 2en day, it has some nice additives in it that are good for regroth and color)

frozen blood worms only, though im trying to get my hands on some live, there not to easy to come by were i am,

btw and i also give a boiled skinned pea once a week, this helps with allot of things, like swim bladder and constipation, not to mention it is fun to watch them play with it lol.
Omg, was thinking of putting a couple of my Cpd's in with one of my Bettas.
I won't now!

I wouldnt let it put you off, all my other CPD's are big enough to not fit in his mouth. The one he had was very small and slightly deformed with a shallow belly, I guess it could have been dead before the Betta tried to eat it because I think he is to slow to catch a live CPD.
Also should add that I soak anything that's not flake or for the plecs (because they like to rasp on things) before feeding them to my fish.

When feeding peas, for one betta just a half of a pea is more than enough. Just take it out the freezer drop it in some hot or boiled water until it's thawed out and started to soften up a bit, take the "skin" off and mash/chop it up into little peices. I did just put the peas in as halves without breaking them up once and it was hilarious to see my betta swimming around with it in his mouth lol but he did had a hard time eating it.

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