1Month +
frozen blood worms, aqua one betta pellets, aqua one tropical flakes
(the pellets are ok, though i would of rather a feeder that was a little better, for some reason my oldest betta only eats this brand of food, btw ~,~ not a joke, he wont touch 6 other brands i got, though he is ok with tropical flakes also, there not a main feeder though more of a 1 time feed every 2en day, it has some nice additives in it that are good for regroth and color)
frozen blood worms only, though im trying to get my hands on some live, there not to easy to come by were i am,
btw and i also give a boiled skinned pea once a week, this helps with allot of things, like swim bladder and constipation, not to mention it is fun to watch them play with it lol.