What Do You Feed Your Bettas

I feed my fish Betta Bites. He LOVES them. Every time he sees me shake the can they come in he starts going nuts, nipping at the glass and following my hand. I have to say its pretty cute. I feed him about 3 pellets a day and a freeze-dried blood worm. I dont know how many you are supposed to give bettas each day, so I just give one to him every other day.
Mine gets Tetra Betta flakes, and once a week frozen bloodworm, and mashed pea on another day. He used to get Hikari bio gold pellets at his evening feed, but he suddenly started spitting them out and begging for the flakes which he eats with great relish. He also doesn't like daphnia, he spits them out.

I feed Tetra Pro to my community tank so once I gave my betta three flakes, one of each colour, to see if he would eat them. He ate the red and yellow ones but wouldn't touch the green. So do the green ones not smell nice, does he not like the colour (though he does eat peas), or is it because the Tetra Betta has red and yellow bits and that's what he's used to?
Mine get fed Hikari Betta-Bio Gold every day; about 2-3 times daily.
Usually 1-2 pellets each feeding. Although I fast them once a week. :)

I feed them brine shrimp once in awhile for a treat, too, hehe! :D
Hikari betta pellets, 4 twice a day or 2/3 three times a day depending on whether I'm in the house at lunchtime
Frozen food once a week (instead of pellets)
Pea once a week (instead of pellets)
1 day a week with only one meal (I tried starving him completely one day a week but couldn't handle the guilt)

I fed him less at first (4 a day) but he ate all his pellets immediately and begged for more so I upped the amount.

When I ran out of betta pellets once I fed him some of my hikari guppy pellets - he ate some of them, but didn't look very pleased about it. Flake he just chews up and spits out, every time.
hehe there such piggies :blush:
im now feeding ours
daphina 3 times a day and bed time they have 1 pellet each...
if not daph i feed brineshrimp :unsure:
and there nuts for the frozen food you realy see the diffrence in them...

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