what do you do with your (dead) fish.

most of my fish get buried in a pot of soil with a baby oak tree growing in it. If they were a special fish, they get buried down by my mum's boat (she lives on a boat on an island in the middle of the Thames) with a flower on top. If they were VERY VERY special (only 1 so far - 17 yr old goldfish) they get cremated on my barbeque and the ashes are put in a special pot (bought specially) in my mantelpiece.
SirMinion said:
wrapping the corpse in a tissue and dumping it in the bin.

IMHO the only thing a responsable fish keeper should do

SirMinion said:
I don't flush in case it died of something nasty which then gets into the local ecosystem.

my feelings exactly
I either flush them (I have a septic tank not public sewer) or give them to one of my dogs. I only feed the dogs the ones that jumped, were only treated with salt, or no meds at all (I'm not about to feed them malachite green or some of the other common but nasty meds). Large fish get burried in a box under a board with rocks if they can't go to the dogs.

Since we don't have trash picked up I can't throw them in the trash unless they're very small.
mine get wrappedin tissue and placed in the bin. i dont like the idea of burying them in the garden dont know why. luckily only had 2 deaths so far
Well, if they are with inthe return policy, I take them out and let the bidy dry in the net in my basement.

But if they are not, I just take them out and right into the garbage can. Though I did freeze them all for a while, but my dad threw them all out.
For the most part, they are frozen and then disposed of in the trash. We had a 12" pleco given to us that died from ich. He was special to me, so we had a fishy funeral in the back yard. He is now buried under a rosebush. It really depends on the fish for me. If they are special they get special treatment. If they are a neon they get put in the trash. I am in no way saying neons are less important than any other fish, they are just a lot more nameless than say a 12" pleco!
all mine go in the fish cemetary, a patch of garden near the front door,with a little wish to swm swim off to the big river in the sky. i just cant put them in the bin. the geraniums in the fish cemetary are amazing................ grow like mad, flowers everywhere.

not that i want to be buried though cremation is fine by me dont want to clutter up an already cluttered up world..but then im a bit bigger than a tiger barb or neon ;)
I wonder if in a million years time
palentologists will say most of the world was covered in water
what with all the fish fossils they will find :p
I wonder if in a million years time
palentologists will say most of the world was covered in water
what with all the fish fossils they will find

There won't be a world then - we are so close to destroying what we have, that unless we all make a change for the better...........well :byebye: world.
i flush um b/c they live in water and they should stay in water zz
utahfish is right, cook em up. I like to put them in batter.
Few onions are a good idea too.

Here are a few tips

Cut along the bone to remove the bones and fat.
Cut off the skin, where much of the fat is stored.
Remove the belly fat and the fatty meat under the stomach of the fish and cut out a v-shaped wedge to remove fat along each side of the fish — fatty areas are darker in color on fish like salmon and trout but may be lighter on other fish, such as Guppies and Mollies. Throw these parts away.
Bake, broil, grill, roast, boil or poach the remaining meat. Do NOT fry the fish*(this locks in the fat, which is high in PCBs).
Throw away any left over juices or grease, including the water in which the fish was boiled or poached. Do NOT use them to make a soup or stock.

Either that or Feed em to the Cat :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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