What do you do when your fish lay eggs...


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Laramie, Wy
I realized that my zebra danio population is mixed with males and females, and they're showing interest in each other... and I'm not really prepared, nor do I want, a whole school of new danio fry...

So what do I do in the case that I find my tank infested with danio fry? I can't sell them to any one, because the LFS won't take them and I don't know any other fish fanatics in my town...
They'll eat their eggs. And, if they miss their eggs, they'll surely eat the resulting fry. Mine do! Except that I'm disappointed, because I'd LOVE to have fry.
If you don't want fry it's not an issue. Egg laying fish can be picky and the eggs often won't even hatch if your water is not good (too hard, too alkaline, too cold). My Danios never even bothered to breed until spring because the tank was too cold.

If you want fry but don't have another tank to move the parents you could try a heavily planted tank. Something thick and grassy on the bottom to protect the eggs and very small fry and lots of bushy stuff and tall stuff. Danio Fry are not too bright though. After a while they want to swim out in the open but they are still snack size. A couple might survive in a tank like that though.

With summer coming you can always get a barrel pond. When you vaccum you can put any eggs and fry you find in there. But yeah, where would you put them all if lots survived?
The eggs or any fry will almost certainly be eaten up...this is a natural food source and a good suppliment to dried food!

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