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Nov 28, 2004
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somewhere in Idaho
I was curious what you all breed? how do you do it what do you keep your tank at ph temp hardness and so forth what do you do with your fry? can you sell them? what sells best worst? how many tanks do you have. does anybody do it commercially? Why are there so many Limeys on this forum? i'm part limey. do we do stuff differently in the states aqaurium wise. if you know of any good links about breeding specifics or anything cool email me [email protected] i need to get a few breeds going. i am on my way to finish school (pre vet) and will be building an aqaurium room hopefully 1000 gallons in my basement i got some good ideas for that. but could use more. i started with livebearers and have been very successful and feel i need more fish.
Hi BEEF11 :)

I raise cory cats and sell them to my lfs. I have 17 tanks going, but frankly, I raise them for fun, not profit. It does help out a bit with the expenses though. :D

This is actually a British forum, although there are a lot of Americans participating on it. :lol: If you see mention of gallons, they are usually referring to US gallons, not UK. Other than measurements, and a few brands of medications, we do things pretty much the same way. Even the brands of a lot of equipment and foods are the same. Here's a converter that I find useful:

I breed pearl gouramies - just for fun. And ofcourse the inevitable livebearers and occasionaly some others just for the challenge. Most of the fry go to my LFSs or to friends. I used to keep a LOT of them but recently we've been planning to move house and I'm trying to reduce the number of tanks and fish we have until we're settled again.

I don't think there are any major differences between here and America... I'm actualy an American myself but I live in England now.
My fish do all the work , sadly I have no tanks to raise in at present , but when I do .................all the fish in my sig :nod: well I do need a male nannacara and a couple of female apistos ........not sure about my sparklers though , do plants and snails count :lol: .
Apistos!!!! I just love my cockatoo dwarfs :wub: . I actually get to be the first to introduce these beauties into my city (of 150,000 people...you'd thought we'd have them already!). Sell them to 1 (maybe 2 later on) lfs for in-store credit!! Not cash, but it gets me stuff!
pnyklr3 said:
Apistos!!!! I just love my cockatoo dwarfs :wub: . I actually get to be the first to introduce these beauties into my city (of 150,000 people...you'd thought we'd have them already!). Sell them to 1 (maybe 2 later on) lfs for in-store credit!! Not cash, but it gets me stuff!
I hope they go to a good home, and not some little 5 year old's uncycled tank :p I always have that fear when I give away my fry -_- I get so attached :p
dwarfs said:
pnyklr3 said:
Apistos!!!! I just love my cockatoo dwarfs :wub: . I actually get to be the first to introduce these beauties into my city (of 150,000 people...you'd thought we'd have them already!). Sell them to 1 (maybe 2 later on) lfs for in-store credit!! Not cash, but it gets me stuff!
I hope they go to a good home, and not some little 5 year old's uncycled tank :p I always have that fear when I give away my fry -_- I get so attached :p
That is a terrible thought :-( .....I have sold most of mine privately though.... -_-

I breed africans, just to stay on topic. :p
well ive bred livebeaerers before.....

im currently breeding cons, altough it never works out cuz my sneeky jewels always find away to get to the eggs.(and the cons are young and unexperienced). and i might set up and keyhole breeding program soon if i got the cash :nod: :cool:
i plan to try my hand at betta breeding in the coming months, as well as breeding my three different types of killi fish. I may even try to get my rainbows to spawn, once i get a fry-friendly filter in the tank. What do i plan to do with the fry? The bettas, most likely I will sell some to members my local betta group (to get back what was spent on food and supplies most likely) and the rest I will donate to them for sale in our auctions. As for the killis and rainbow fish, if i can successfully spawn them, there is a lfs that i know will buy them, provided they are healthy. But first, i need to get proper grownout tanks and other necessary equipment.
I aren't breeding anything atm. I plan on expanding my tanks once Kel and I move and have a go at breeding peacock eels, seahorses, pipefish and a few other oddballs.

I want to begin breeding more common fish again after the move, as we plan to open our own lfs one day soon and would prefer to breed as much of my own stock as I can. I will also be breeding alot of hard to get cichlids too, as well as various other rarer fish (rare over here at least).

I want to try breeding alot of different marine fish too, as well as fragging my own corals.

All in all, it will be interesting to see how I fair at all the above, I will just walk into it with an open mind and not get my hopes up too much as alot of fish I want to breed are yet to be successfully spawned and/or raised in captivity then see what happens.
I don't beeed anything, but I think my swordtails are courting.

I would rather have 10x 100g tanks than 1x 1000g
hi, i specially and concentrate on breed discus fish (leopard snake skin, leopard mossaic, golden marlboro, pigeon blood, red melon, turqouise blue, san mera, and....) and many kind of fish like molly,platy, guppy (blue grass ribbon,....), black ghost, gold fish, angelfish, red fin shark, and many others... i use a lot of tanks and ponds to breed, raise, and keep them for constantly at their best performance. i really enjoy it......... :D

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