We get pretty good choices in our TFF contests, and I often find it hard to decide. The criteria I use are personal, just as yours are, but I'm curious about what other members look for. I vote in every aquarium based contest, to encourage the showing of what interests us.
Here's what I look at for tanks:
a) the clarity of the image. I don't need a professional shot, but is the glass clean and are the fish and plants easily visible?
b) the community (for tank of the month). I have a prejudice toward regional tanks. I like tanks with fish from one geographic area above tanks with mixed continents. It's a personal taste, but it takes work to assemble and I admire that.
c) Lots of healthy plants. Or, if not, a clearly stated reason why not. Some fish hate plants, or love them as food.
d) Arrangement. I like a tank that has depth and shape - lines of perspective. My own tanks are messy affairs, but in a contest, I would generally avoid a riot of plants with no consideration for open spaces. Is there artistry in the set up?
e) fish choice, beyond geography. Is the tank overcrowded looking? Are there big fish in small spaces with nowhere to swim? Is the tank "humane"?
For the fish contest:
a) Is the fish healthy, and does it look close to an ideal representative of its species?
b) Is the fish well bred? This is my controversial one, because I don't like hybrids or fancy, line bred forms of fish.That's just me.
c) Is the photo clear enough to get a great look?
d) I'm influenced by the rarity of the species. I like seeing new or odd things. But they have to be very healthy and well cared for.
So that's me. What about others here? What do you look for in contest photos and write ups?
Here's what I look at for tanks:
a) the clarity of the image. I don't need a professional shot, but is the glass clean and are the fish and plants easily visible?
b) the community (for tank of the month). I have a prejudice toward regional tanks. I like tanks with fish from one geographic area above tanks with mixed continents. It's a personal taste, but it takes work to assemble and I admire that.
c) Lots of healthy plants. Or, if not, a clearly stated reason why not. Some fish hate plants, or love them as food.
d) Arrangement. I like a tank that has depth and shape - lines of perspective. My own tanks are messy affairs, but in a contest, I would generally avoid a riot of plants with no consideration for open spaces. Is there artistry in the set up?
e) fish choice, beyond geography. Is the tank overcrowded looking? Are there big fish in small spaces with nowhere to swim? Is the tank "humane"?
For the fish contest:
a) Is the fish healthy, and does it look close to an ideal representative of its species?
b) Is the fish well bred? This is my controversial one, because I don't like hybrids or fancy, line bred forms of fish.That's just me.
c) Is the photo clear enough to get a great look?
d) I'm influenced by the rarity of the species. I like seeing new or odd things. But they have to be very healthy and well cared for.
So that's me. What about others here? What do you look for in contest photos and write ups?