What Do We Use In Our Tanks?


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Some of the posts from newer members has got me thinking, what do we all use in our tanks and take for granted but maybe newer members wouldn't know about?


Either in a bag in external, in a skimmer, reactor, tank, sump etc

Phosphate remover:
Nitrate remover
Algaes such as Chaeto

and more?!

Right, I currently run:

A phopshate reactor using Phosban - have used Rowaphos in my MCE 600 before the reactor - I wouldnt be without a phosphate remover after losing most of my Euphyllias to a phospate spike :crazy: I hadn't renewed it, forgot! :blink:

About to start running a Nitrate remover, probably Purigen, in a bag in my skimmer (known as the skimmer in a bag by some folks and excellent for those tanks that are running skimmerless

Just bought some algaes - currently have the chaeto in a media bag hanging in my tank, this obviously doesn't look so good :fun: Also have some cabbage algae, a great big long length of it, which flows like seaweed in the tank, its held down by a rock :p (all mod cons you see!)

So, what do you run in your tank?

Seffie x
I try and keep mine to a minimum but

Phosphate Reactor with Carbon and Rowaphos
Calcium Reactor using Coral Gravel
Dose Magnesium with tank tests Mag buffer
Bag of purigen in my sump only as I had some left
KZ LPS Amino Acid once a week not essential but have a bottle to use up.

Think thats about it :)

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