What do u like and dont like about fish keeping


I love watchin my fish, even when my angels are a bit feisty with one-another. Feeding them is great. Gettin new fish is both exciting and daunting, cause you're never that sure about how they will get on with everyone else.

Dislikes have got to be gettin a mouthful of water when siphoning and having to trust someone else to look after them when you go on holiday!

I love watching my fish!!!!!! After a hard day, it's very relaxing to come home and just sit in front of the tanks for hours. :D

I don't like doing water changes very much, or dead fish, or when fish bully other fish. :(
I love it when they nibble your arm when your messing about in the tank. I usually have my hand in to see if my loazy pleco is still alive... It always is its just VERY lazy.

I love it when you find surprise fry...

I hate it when fry get eaten as your trying to get them out - race against time.

I hated finding my beautiful betta dead...
:fun: i love every thing about fish keeping! exept for sickness and ..fish dying :angry: but i absolutly love adding new fish
I like buying new fish getting new tanks

I dont like cleaning
I luv there personalities, the way they establish a pecking order and imagining ways of sneeking a new tank into the house without the wife noticing :rolleyes:

I hate it when theyre sick n dying, and the cost involved
Well although all mine are cold water I love to watch them swim. I find them extremely relaxing and have been know to fall asleep watching them.

Finding dead fish or poorly fish.

Like or Dislike:
Water changes.
I love to feed my fish especially my puffer. they are so relaxing to watch.

dont like the mouthful of water when siphoning or sick fish :no:
I love buying new fish.

My biggest dislike hands down is cleaning my HOB filter (my fault for putting it off for so long).
LIKE: Feeding, interacting with eachother/me, adding mmore fish, and just generally watching them

DISLIKE: Death and sickness :sad:
I love how after just a few short weeks they all come swimming up to the front of the tank when I greet them each morning or after work. I swear they like me better than my husband! :D They also make me laugh when they crowd in the corner and watch tv with me (they love hockey games! GO LEAFS GO!!)

I dislike how all my coworkers try to avoid me right now because all i want to talk about are my fish ! :rofl:

heresmike said:
I like it when they rush up to the front of the tank to greet me when I get home from work :D
Me too :nod: My betta has finally realised that me approaching the tank= food. And he follows my finger around the tank (it's a hex tank).
I love going to the LFS, seeing ANOTHER platy I like and saying "10 platies isn't too many" or "I've been looking for this platy for AGES".

I dislike the cost of filter media and all.

I like cleaning the tanks. My fish are very interactive and my fry have discovered how to get into the gravel vac and also get back out.

I dislike saturating the carpet with water everytime I do water changes...oops
Hey Cooklet,
I put a shower curtain liner down on the floor when I do water changes. That way if you spill water, it lands on the plastic and not the carpet ;)
Likes: Feeding my fish and watching them eat, letting the nibble on my fingers and watching them flare and puff at me.

Dislike: Trying to explain to non fish people how complicated a fish tank is. When a fish is sick and you can't figure out why. When there is a bully in the tank.

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