What do i want


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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Just cleaned out my 10gal tank with all my guppies (gave them to the LFS) and now i can finailly have some cories. (was very tired of guppies after having them for years and years)

My question is what is a good stocking of fish for a 10gal? Id like as many cories as i could have.

What could i have that would allow as many cories as possible, and them some other type of fish that doesnt have to be a schooling fish. Or could i do 4 cories and 6 tetras?

Or as many cories as possible and what one type of fish that can be kept alone?

I will most likely go with albino cories. SO what would all of you guys do to fit the most amount of cories in a 10gal without being too overstocked. Sorry if this post seems confusing, im confused my self...

I'd only put small cories about 1 in long, like dwarf cories, in a 10 gal. They're a bit sensitive though, so you'd have keep the water changes regular. I wouldn't choose albinos (usually the albino of bronze or peppered cories), because these lively fish really are too big for a 10 gal, as they can reach almost 3 in. Also, you can't keep a proper school of such big fish in a 10 gal.

In the case of dwarf cories you could have a school of, say, 6 and add the same amount of some small tetra or perhaps one small gourami. But again, water changes are important to keep the water quality good in such a small tank.
Hi Wolfdog :)

You could keep around 4 albino C. aeneus corys in a ten gallon tank with no problem. As long as you have good filtration and keep up regular water changes, they will be fine. The albinos tend to be smaller than the bronzes, and although they are active, they will have enough room to play.

I've found that an ideal combination is corys on the bottom and a betta on the top. There is no competition between them, and the bettas often seem to enjoy watching the corys. This keeps the betta somewhat more active then they often become when kept alone. They also eat the same food. :D
That sounds good Inchworm,

4 Albinos
1 Betta

I keep up on all my maintenence and everything so my waters always good.
Ive never been able to find dwarf cories around where i live... -_-
If i could find them id go with about the setup you mentioned Morgan!

Thanx guys,
I am sure I will get flack for this, but I have had 3 panda corys and a paor of A australe killies in a 5.5 gal going on 14 months. before that the 3 pandas were in a 2.5 with a male betta for about 8 months until I gave the betta away and upgraded twin 2.5s for a 5.5. The tanks were all filtered and planted.

If you keep the tank well filtered, have live plants and do regular water changes and vacuuming, I would say you can get away with between 6 and 12 corys depending on variety. If they get 2-2.5 inches then 6 and if they stay smaller such as pygmy, then a dozen. In addition you could put in a few (3-4) smaller fish such as smaller danios or white clouds. If you want a single fish consider a male dwarf flame gourami.

Other non-corys that might work are an apisto pair, tetras (need 5-6 tho and yu would have to reduce corys by 1-3 depending on cory). Also you could put in a small school of smaller rainbows (minimum 6)- threadfins or some of the blue eyes such as gertrudae or furcatus. I kept a dozen threadfins and a very prolific pair of paleatus corys in a planted 10 gal for some time.

I am assuming your water params are acceptable for corys, but not on the acid side for these fish.

Well i know pretty much for sure i want the Albino Cories.

Still not 100% sure on what "single" fish i want for the top of the tank, either a betta or sumthing else...

Like i said id like as many cories as possible, What would be considered "pushing the limit" with them, 6? Could i go with 5? Or would 4 be the best?

Hi Wolfdog :)

You could get 5 albinos and with only one other fish, I don't think you could go too far wrong.

The thing to consider is your filtration and water quality. Corys are sensitive to water conditions and prone to getting bacterial infections if the water is dirty. Remember, they live down where all the dirt settles.

If you have excellent filtration, and your tap water is not naturally high in nitrates, you shouldn't have any problems. Be sure to do big water changes and bottom cleanings weekly, and if necessary, do a second water change mid week.

A dwarf gourami could easily be added instead of a betta. I have both and find that the betta is the more interesting of the two because of the way they often interact with the corys. Gouramis don't seem to care about them, while my bettas frequently like to watch them.
Thanx for the info!

Ill go with the original idea

Ill go with 4-5 Ablino Cories, and a Betta. I cant wait to pick out the betta too hmmm hmmmmm...

I keep up on all my water and gravel vacs and filtrations good so bad water shouldnt be a factor for me ;)

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