Time to get confusing
Your well water is contaminated and you should investigate the source of ammonia in the well water. If it's contaminated with ammonia it could have other chemicals/ poisons in too.
If you are using well water you don't need a dechlorinator. However, because you have ammonia in the well water, you should continue using the water conditioner that binds to the ammonia and makes it safe.
The best thing to do is filter the well water before adding it to the aquarium, then you won't need to worry about the water conditioner and you won't be adding ammonia to the tank. Get a large plastic container and fill it with well water. Fill a box filter or power filter with Ammogon or Zeolite and run that filter in the container of well water. When the ammonia has been adsorbed, you can use that water to do water changes. Aerate the water while doing this.
The Ammogon or Zeolite can be recharged after use.
You should also have some carbon in the filter to adsorb any chemicals that might be in the water.
Get some Water Sprite plants (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) and grow it in the tank. It is easy to grow, and multiples rapidly and uses lots of nutrients in the water. If you get too much you can plant it in the substrate.
You can use it in the water container to help get rid of the ammonia too. Just add some plants to the container of well water and give them light. Monitor the ammonia levels in the water and when it is 0, use the water to do water changes on the tank.