What do corydoras eat

You should feed your Corydoras a varied diet, I feed mine a diet of; Frozen/Live Brineshrimp, Frozen/Live Bloodworm, Sinking Corydoras Pellets, JMC Sinking Pellets and they get the chance to pick at vegtable matter that is droped in for some of the other fish.
I think I can help you. Since I don't have much money to spend on the frozen food food for fish from the pet store. I did research about food and I have few food I can find around the house you can feed your fish.
* hard boiled egg( this can be messy since they become some fine particles after hit the water but my tetras and cory would like it. I usually feed it after it dried up and hardened a bit, so it won't fall a part as much)
* beef heart mix(you can find the receipe on the web. And you can make home made frozen mix food. And keep in the freezer. And my fish love it.)
* most of the unseasoned cooked meat(chicken, beef and pork. Just chopped them up to the size little smaller than their mouth)
* most of the seafood(again unseasoned cooked or raw. fish fillet, shrimp, clams etc)
* cultured live food(like grindel, white, micro, and earthworm. vinegar eels, daphnia, mosquito lava Fish really love them live food. After all it is their natural food which move. Just make sure you either culture them or collect from the safe clean uncontaminated place)

Culture food may require some time but it cost so little to maintain. And some may improve the fish color.
i always feed mine a nice mixture of bloodworms frozen and live but there fav is catfish pellets :p
Not fire ants, the little teeny ones that you see outside.

And other common bugs.
Probably but the danger there is not knowing what chemicals the insects have picked up out doors. They might be loaded with insect killing chemicals they've grown immune to that would kill your fish.

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