what do bettas prefer to hide in?


Feb 8, 2004
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New York
well i go myself a betta yesterday. and i have a bunch of plants to stick in the tank with it but i was wondering which kinds they like best? tall bushones? short clumpy ones? i know they like to hide so what do they like best?
Both...tall and short. Some like to loop themselves under shorties and others like to laze around on the tall. Your betta has the best of both worlds :thumbs:
alright thanks...cause right now i have a tall plant in it and he likes to hide behind it but ill but in a short one too and see what he likes
Each of my minibows has a short and tall silk plant They swim in and out of the tall plant more, rest on it more, and build bubblenests under the flowers that stick up onto the surface. They hardly even bother with the short plant :dunno
One of my very active bettas absolutly loves his rock with holes in it, he will constantly swim in and out of them and sometimes stay inside when he wants to be alone. I suggest along with your plants you can also get a hollow rock for him :D
Hi billy61788

My betta, Ruby, seems to pay less attention to the plants than he does to the rocks that make up the cory caves in his tank.

I often find him sitting on top of them or swimming through the cave itself. Since I moved him and most of his cory friends into the 55 gallon tank, his favorite spot is next to the big cave under the filter. I don't understand this, because if he is trying to get shelter from the water flow of the filter, he could just go the the opposite side of the tank. He seldom goes there, though. :look:

There are both short and tall plants in the tank and he ignores them both although when he was in the 20 gallon tank, he would sit on the short plants. :D

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