What Did You Get?

New Mobile Phone,
Playstation 3
some games
New D&G Top
Aload of Aquarium stuff
Kitten stuff
Mathmos Lava Lamp(Limited Edition)
and a new cage for 16 week old cockatiel
For the Tank i got a beautiful male blue ram, never seen was as beautiful (will try and get pics)

non fish related the only thing worth mentioning was the the xbox 360 :), xbox live is so good :)

I got a gift certificate to Marine Depot, and have already ordered a bunch of stuff for a new tank (have the tank and stand, got a skimmer, powerhead, gloves, powerstrip/timer, and a digital thermometer), then another gift certificate to Live Aquaria to get live rock for that same tank :)
You can get aquarium stiff anytime. Christmas is a time for other stuff like clothes and stuff. I usually get aquariums things but this year i wanted stuff for myself.
I didn't get anything fish related :( But I got like 20 shirts (from different people of course), a pair of pants, and some shorts, a Holiday 2006 Starbucks Mug (I'm an addict :D ). And I believe that is it. Though, we got my Mom an AWESOME Olympus digital camera, 7.1 Mega Pixels, 10X optical zoom, 5x digital zoom, and 27 shooting modes (including my new favorite Macro and Super Macro). So yeah I'm enjoying my Mom's camera more than my presents :p

What sucks is I spent some money (of course) on X-MAS presents for my sisters and my mom so I only have $27 saved to buy things for my 5.5 gallon tank which I haven't setup yet. I'm only 14 and it is hard to get money right now. Especially because my Dad has some economic problems because of a shortage of work right now. But I guess we'll get through it and Ill get some more money for the tank and take some pictures with the camera hehehehe :D Sorry for the long off topic post.
i got a 55 gal. tank kit with a pretty nice top fin filter 60. its actually pretty nice, especially compared to the 20 thats sitting there falling apart. hah. :rolleyes:
oo i lied earlier. i got some new plants, a couple new decorations, a new air pump (mine was broken) and a big pink plant for the betta tank. he doesn't like it. i think it looks strange, but it's staying- i'm attached to the awful pinkness of it.
I got Bert the Antennarius hispidus

love the frogfish andy...

I bought my mother a yellow betta and a divider for her 10 gal tank with her betta in it for christmas for $24...

I got a large book on fish marine and tropical good quality stuff... a bag of hikari algae wafers, a small tub of nutrafin brine shrimp flakes a bottle of water conditioner, a digital camera for myself (borrowing my sisters all the time) which is fish related as I will post fish pics :p and a $50 gift voucher for a lfs which I bought a Bumblebee catfish, 2 Neohomaloptera johorensis and a Upside down catfish... :) Among a few other things

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