What Did You Get?

My fish got me a set of measuring cups and a set of measuring spoons. They collaborated with my wife on that gift.
3 fry.

lol, nothing, but these little guys were trying to weasel their way into the breeder i had another fry in (found him in the filter yesterday. thought i'd give the little dude a fighting chance).... so i added them to the breeder. why not. they were trying :)
140 dollars for an lfs visit, and a few gift cards for petsmart (can anyone say needlenose fish? lol).
My husband got me 5 otos from Petsmart on Christmas Eve. 1 didn't make the transport though, but the other 4 are doing great. He also ordered me an assorted batch of low-light aquatic plants from aquariumplants.com; they came in last week. :D
hmmm, protein skimmer for my 20g SW. big als (fish store chain in canada) gift card, light for my bettas, 10g (38L) tank kit, $500 for my future plans for a 155SW tank.
Bah. The only remotely fishy-related thing I got was a hundred dollar check. Could use that money to buy some fishy stuff. But still. Baaaahhhh.

On another note, my brother decided to give me an electric Razor scooter. Could someone please explain why would a 28 (going 29 in a few months) year old woman need an electric scooter?! :blink:

LOL...I WANT IT!?!$@#% Gimmie. :angry: . For some reason I always thought you were a young teen 13ish. But of course you wouldn't be able to pull off such great planted tanks. I want your $100 check too.

Please :rolleyes:
9watt Coralife UV Sterlizer and a Rio 600 Water Pump. I also got $90 worth of giftcards for Petco.

Just need to buy the tubing to hook it up. ><
On another note, my brother decided to give me an electric Razor scooter. Could someone please explain why would a 28 (going 29 in a few months) year old woman need an electric scooter?! :blink:

WOW! All this time seeing you around the planted forum, i figured you were a guy :blink: Dont mean any offence...

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