What Deals Did You Have To Make To.....

The deal is that when we get our own place, my boyfriend gets the kitchen (He's an amazing cook so I don't mind too much :D ), and I get my tanks. I never specified how many tanks though, and he still agreed to it :D
A deal?? Erm.......I tell hubby what I`d like to have and he just smiles and says "Yes Dear" :lol: :lol: .......Bless him, he knows it makes his life easier to just let me get on with something that keeps me happy....most of the time anyway :D

Seriously though, hubby is in the forces so is away a lot of the time and he`s happy that the tanks keep me busy and he knows how much I love spending time sorting the tanks and watching my fish. I joke about him having his 50" TV so I have my fish tanks.
When we move in a couple of years time we`ll hopefully have a separate dining room and I`ll have another big tank.......possibly a marine one next time :hey:
Well, a few years back I sent my wife & kids to Arizona & Vegas for a week while I spent my vacation tearing the bathroom down to studs & putting in all new. I'm on vacation this week, all new windows in the front of the house, just took delivery this morning. She's sticking around this time, since I'm pulling out windows I'm also tearing the front wall down to studs, insulating & hanging new drywall. She likes to paint, so she wants in on this project.

One time long ago she said no more tanks. I found a guy about an hour away tearing down a large setup. I went & picked up seven 150 gallon tubs. They're tubs, not tanks.

I don't believe I've heard no more tanks again.
Great topic :good:

Okay well my first tank cost me a cat for the wife, to be honest that was not a chore as she "Sandy" is a sweet cat.
Tank 2 Cost me a complete decorating overhaul of our entire split level flat :hyper:

Tank 3 the wife has now caught on, the price the deal I made was steep and is hard to explain. It is sort of multi dimensional and all encompassing tank 3 can be brought up at any time and cover many different favours requests or orders at once. It is never paid off kinda like making a pact with the devil :lol: I jest I love my wife dearly but god knows what the next one will cost? :blink:

Regards onebto.

This one just cracked me up. She is definitely smart The priceless Tank 3... I'm still working on tank 2 and I think I am getting that threw at a pretty low cost... he has only asked for a surround sound system for the TV (Originally for Tank 1), but tank 2 so far is only a 10 gallon! Fair? Or is my husband getting pretty smart too? :blush:
didn't have to make any deals
as mrs biffster is as much in to
fish keeping as i am its great
when your both in to the same
My 1st tank was purchased with my own money before we were wed, so that wasnt a problem. Tank 2 cost me a Soda Stream, so again not a bad exchange...
My 1st tank was purchased with my own money before we were wed, so that wasnt a problem. Tank 2 cost me a Soda Stream, so again not a bad exchange...

A very good deal indeed, I'd say! :good:

I'm single, so I don't have to do deals at all; I can have as many tanks as I like, wherever I like :p

I understand what it's like though; when I was married, my OH would only let me keep coldwater fish as he said trops were too much trouble...:grr:

Mind you, he was an idiot ;)
I like this thread :)

For me, the deal I have made with hubby is:

1 upgraded tank (ie, at least twice the size of my current one) = a 98/99 Fireblade (project/fairweather bike).
Another (size as yet undecided) tank = a 125 to commute to work on.

I think I've got a good deal, and so does he, so we're both happy :)

At first he said every tank = a motorbike, until I pointed out that he'd had more bikes than I have had tanks so therefore he owed me 2 more tanks, then he shut up LOL
I like this thread :)

For me, the deal I have made with hubby is:

1 upgraded tank (ie, at least twice the size of my current one) = a 98/99 Fireblade (project/fairweather bike).
Another (size as yet undecided) tank = a 125 to commute to work on.

I think I've got a good deal, and so does he, so we're both happy :)

At first he said every tank = a motorbike, until I pointed out that he'd had more bikes than I have had tanks so therefore he owed me 2 more tanks, then he shut up LOL

Love it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I haven't had to do anything but my boyfriend likes the fish.

He now has 3 tanks of his own (2 are my old ones).

When we move in together we will have to loose some tanks. We are up to 7 tanks between us. 2 are only 5 gallons but the next smallest one is 15 gallons....oops. Although fewer bigger tanks might be the way forward :) :lol: :good: :crazy:
About 7 months ago my girlfriend and I moved in together. A couple months in I started having an itch to get a fish tank since I had one when I was younger. I'm 20 now. We made a deal that if I got a fish tank then I'd have to take her out to dinner. What I did next she couldn't believe it. I bought the fish tank around the same time as her birthday and told her I got it for her birthday. She was soo mad! Haha I told her that she could pick out the fish that go in it. We went to the fish store after cycling and she picked a few fish and we tossed them in. Now 5 months later I'm going to take them back to the lfs and getvwhat I want. :D and she has since forgotten of the deal to take her to dinner.

Now the tank has grown on her and I just recently started a breeding tank and haven't heard any if, ands, or buts about it!
When I said I was getting a tank my OH said no it would take up too much room. I pointed out that we have two living rooms one of which is 30 feet by 25 feet and the other is home to his 9 foot pool table, dart board and 65" flat screen. I added up the total inches of his pool table, tv, and accessories and told him it was only fair I got the same amount of inches in tanks :hey: . He shut up and agreed to my 55 gallon and three 10 gallons real quick. Next I plan on talking him into letting me take over one of the bedrooms for a fish room....that might a hard one. :lol:
Lets see 9 x 12 = 108 inches and 65 is 173... 173 gallons by the exchange rate in my house... and really the pool table should be in square inchs since it lies horizontally not vertically like the TV. So ... 9 x 5 feet? that is 108 by 60 is 6480 square inches plus the 65 for the TV... Hummm you got lots of tanks coming your way by my calculations. :cool:
My parents (whom I "rent" from) have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with my tanks. As long as I'm not asking them for money to do anything with my tanks, they don't care. My mom did, however, get me my 55gal from a friend of hers. She saw it sitting almost empty in their living room and asked what they were going to do with it (when I say "almost empty," I mean it had 3" of green water in it). They said they wanted to get rid of it and she knew I was looking for a larger tank, so she asked how much they wanted for it. They said that if I came and picked it up, I could have it for free. :) What's funny is that my 55gal started out as a project for one of my college classes (I attend a VERY liberal arts college...heavy on the liberal, light on the arts ;) ).
some funny deals made here :lol:

my mother likes to think she has a one in, one out policy. I broke up with my ex, so he moved out with our pet parrot, my mother didn't like him so i basically said "what's he worth?" and we decided he was worth 1 tank (a 30L) and 6 fish only (i feel i was robbed here). I was then offered a 125L tank for free, told mother i was getting it in exchange for tearing down the 30L (was a good deal i thought). She didn't speak to me for four days after i turned up randomly one day with it.

Now, its supposed to be back to a one in, one out basis, but i keep bringing fish home. The only punishment i get is that she doesn't speak to me for a day, but meh.. sometimes its worth it.

My new boyfriend has heard about my mothers little policy and has decided he will put it in place when we move in together next summer. PFFT!! he says "you can get a kitten if you get rid of your fish tank". I REALLY don't think so. It will have pride of place in the living room :)

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