what could i keep with my betta?

angel_lover said:
a friend of mine put 2 female bettas and a male all together in a 10 gallon.arent the gonna fight???
Yikes! Do something FAST!

In reply to the topic, I have one betta that lived with a group of tetras and I think he's REALLY happy to have his own space now. My other betta lives with an ADF and they get along fine. Eddie (betta) usually eats the ADF's shrimp pellets (that meanie), but they do get along fine. Usually just ignore each other. haha.

And then I just got a betta today who was a sad case. Crammed into a ten gallon with about 50 feeder goldfish. He's incredibly happy to have his space alone.
Hi akhtar :)

My betta, Ruby, lives in a 10 gallon tank with 20+ corys. (I know, but they will be moving to bigger quarters tomorrow! :X )

He has the whole upper part of the tank to himself, but he spends a lot of time down at the bottom with the corys. :look: :D He thinks he is one. :nod:
Hi Akhtar :D

If you deceide on corys, you will need to get 2 or 3 because they are schooling fish and tend to be shy an easily frightened when by themselves.

Panda corys are quite small and might be a good choice in your small tank. They are cute as can be, too. :thumbs:
how big does a tank need to be for a male and female of a non aggressive nature to live together?

opcn said:
how big does a tank need to be for a male and female of a non aggressive nature to live together?
Hi opcn :)

It would depend on the adult size of the fish involved. Which fish did you have in mind? :unsure:
lol well, will we get back to my topic? lol sorry! :D what shall i get!!! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

iv got about 2-3 month to decide so ill be patient! :grr: :hyper:
akhtar said:
i have already got good filteration, i might get either...

a platy, or
2 ottos, or
a cory or
a adf or
hmm i dnno, shoudl i just leave him alone, but wont he get bored :S
what's wrong with having just a betta? its a small tank, perfect for a betta. :D they do fine all alone,they don't get bored, many even would prefer to be all alone as other fish stress them out and such.
cories need to be in groups of at least 3, one would not be happy. you MIGHT be able to do three pandas, as they are only 1 inch long or so. but since i dont know the actual dimensions (how much space the floor is, some of these small tanks are deeper than they are wide so theres really not much space for bottom dwellers....), not sure about them.
you could do the adf thing or a snail. wouldn't recommend the platy, just not enough space for the two in my opinion, they'd share the same swimming level for the most part. go with some sort of bottom dweller.

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