what could i get?


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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i would like amale and female pair of cichlids that are peaceful and are easy to breed, i hav heard of kribs but apparently they are very aggressive when breeding and sometimes even kill other fish also i hav heard they dig up plants and excavate pits in the substrate, i wondered about tropheus duboisi any info welcome
if you are worried about diggin you are out of luck you show me a cichlid that some one says doesn't dig at all and I will show you a liar. it is just the nature of the beast that we as cichlid owners accept. as far as the purpose of those pits it is mostly because the better the pit the more likely that some african cichlids will spawn as I have understood from my reading that in many species that it is one of the females requirememts to chooseing a male as for peaceful cichlids from africa it depends on tank size but many people will say shellies I don't own any don't want to, but another peaceful selection might be one of the aulonocara species
First off, Tropheus are extremely aggressive, they need large numbers and big tanks.

Second, what size tank is this for? I can make some recommendations, but not without a tank size.
Yellow Labs. My boyfriend has two females and one male in his tank. They are pretty peaceful and don't seem to dig. Plus both females just had a set of fry and one of them is working on another one! We have 19 baby fishies right now and more on the way! We are looking for some way to stop our busy little male. :)

I'm not saying all rams don't dig but mine don't. I have regular black gravel and they don't even try. They like to lay eggs on smooth stones and plant leaves, not in pits. They are very nice little fish and I have only seen them fight with eachother, not other fish lol. My males fight sometimes but a male and a female wouldn't fight. Sometimes the lfs has them already paired off so you don't have to worry if they'll fight. Rams are usually paired for life. They do good in a community setting.
thecichlidaddict said:
First off, Tropheus are extremely aggressive, they need large numbers and big tanks.

Second, what size tank is this for? I can make some recommendations, but not without a tank size.
their for a 50g community tank already containing-

1 small kissing gourami
1 leopard plec
2 corys
6 golden barbs

it is planted densley in patches and has a rock cave with one entrance and the flooor is java moss there is also a few pieces of bogwood
One worth looking at is Aequidens Maronii, commonly known as a Keyhole Cichlid, They are one of the most peaceful cichlids available and do well in that kind of tank.

You can also look at Rams and Apistogramma.

These are all new world cichlids, there are very few African species that would work in your set-up, and those that would are not easy to find. They also happen to be similar riverine species to the more accessable new world ones.
keyholes are a good non aggresive fishy. Yellow labs are not agresive compared to most Malawi's but i still wouldnt trust them with much else. I like to breed cynotopia Afra but thats just because i LOVE them

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