What Could I Get

You would be able to keep peacock spiney eels (Macrognathus aculatus and Macrognathus siamensis) or zebra spiney eels (Mastacembelus zebrinus) none of which grow larger than around 10 inches in captivity.
There is quite a long list of what could be kept in that tank. It's somewhere around 70 u.s. gallons correct?
If so, then you could keep most bichirs in there which are relatively eel-like or you could do a peacock spiny-eel. However, check the Oddball's Species Index. That will have a much more extensive list for you. Congrats on the new tank.

edit: drat CFC you beat me to it!
I might get a bichir so long as they don't need to be kept in groups, final question, the spiny eels don't need a sand substrate do they?

I would be happy to have sand but wouldn't know how to clean it.

Thanks for the help :thumbs:
Both bichirs and spiney eels require a sand substrate. In fact to be honest i can't think of any oddball type fish that dont preffer a sand substrate, gravel is pretty useless for anything other than common community type fish.
Actually, they would like a sand substrate, seeing as they like to burrow. Why won't you do sand? It's honestly not hard to clean and actually keeps your tank cleaner. The waste sits on top of the sand whereas with gravel, it falls between the cracks and gets trapped in there. You can buy cheap playsand substrate from most home and garden places for about 5 dollars. Go with sand. You won't regret it. ;)
Edit: Alright CFC I'll go...(walks away with head hung low)
It isn't the price of it, i'm just concerned as to how to clean it, all I have at the moment for my tank is a gravel vac, and if i used that i'd get more sand than waste coming through the vac, I'm just wondering how to clean it.
You can use your regular gravel vac you just "hover" over the sand so that it picks up only the waste and not the sand. It also helps to kind of swirl the vac around in a circular motion to help kick up the waste. In short, your regular gravel vac will be fine.
I've got a good idea of what I want in the tank, the main things being that spiny eel, some small puffer, and the smallest type of bichir.

What would you put in the tank?
Make sure you look deeply into the puffer's compatability. Most species aren't exactly the best oddball community fish. ;) I do have a place in my heart for the bichirs though. Full of personality and they look like dinosaurs: what more can you ask for in a fish.
I believe the Cuvier's Bichir also called the Senegal Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus) is the smallest (and cheapest) bichir. they get to around 12" but I have heard usually grow to 8"-9".

Bichirs are AWESOME!
Would a Peacock Spiny Eel and a Senegal Bichir get along ok or would I need to have a group of 3 Eels insted?

Oh I've been looking at snakeheads but I hear they have a bad reputation.
Snakeheads go fine with bichirs, at least dwarf snakeheads do. As long as the bichirs are bigger than the snakehead, that is. Then again, with snakeheads, can get rather unpredictable, but it *should* be fine.

My personal choice would be a bichir or 2 and a snakehead. And a few leeeetle feeshies to get snapped up. Mwahahahhaha. (ok that was a joke, dont come after my neck please)


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