Fish Fanatic
Hi All,
Soon I will be filling my cycled aquarium with a bunch of fish from a guy from work who is dismantling his tank.
There is quite a variety of fish that I will be getting which I have detailed below but I will be lacking a cute clean up crew! I'm just wondering on peoples recommendations as to what to get and how many. My LFSF stocks Peppered, Skunk, bronze, albeno, Panda, Pygmy, and probabbly a few others that I cannoet think of.
How many should I get and can i get all different types together or just one type?
My tank is 375L supposably but onlt holds 280L after decore' etc. Fish that I will eventually have are as follows
6 Discus, largest about 150mm rest between 100mm and 130mm
4 Clown Loach, 1about 150mm the rest 100mm
3 Bronze Catfish
1 Pepper Catfish
12 ish Rummy Nose Tetra
20 ish Cardinal Tetras
10 ish mixed Tetras
As you can see not to many Corys for the stock size.
Thanks in advance
Soon I will be filling my cycled aquarium with a bunch of fish from a guy from work who is dismantling his tank.
There is quite a variety of fish that I will be getting which I have detailed below but I will be lacking a cute clean up crew! I'm just wondering on peoples recommendations as to what to get and how many. My LFSF stocks Peppered, Skunk, bronze, albeno, Panda, Pygmy, and probabbly a few others that I cannoet think of.
How many should I get and can i get all different types together or just one type?
My tank is 375L supposably but onlt holds 280L after decore' etc. Fish that I will eventually have are as follows
6 Discus, largest about 150mm rest between 100mm and 130mm
4 Clown Loach, 1about 150mm the rest 100mm
3 Bronze Catfish
1 Pepper Catfish
12 ish Rummy Nose Tetra
20 ish Cardinal Tetras
10 ish mixed Tetras
As you can see not to many Corys for the stock size.
Thanks in advance