What cichlids are great to begin with?

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i havent got them yet, but I found golden rams at my LFS, they are like 7 US dollars for each.

so I think they are African, and im guessing they like high pH-

i am going to get Texas Limestone Holey rocks to raise pH inside along with my plants- the plants im getting are listed above in my previous post- i think that the white limestone rocks will look great with my white fine gravel!

ok ok, so with the golden rams I wanted to have some glass catfish since I already have neons in my other tank

what does everyone else think?

thx tttnjfttt,

I just realized that after my posting, however, if I still get limestone which would raise the pH, will my co2 injection lower it enough to a safe range for these fish?

or should I just skip on the limestone and use another rock? what do you recommend? I have been browsing on eBay for some and the LFS's but all I find are tuffa, lava, and the limestones. I really would want a white rock which would look perfect on my gravel- and prehaps later I would get ricca netted on top to grow on it.

First of all, what is the pH and KH of your water? Its kinda hard to begin makign suggestions without knowing these things...

I agree.

Some things i want to say about your plants/lights etc.

I think that you lights may be suited for marine setups than freshwater setups. Can you check what the colour temp is on the tube or anything? it should be a maximum of 7500. If its higher than this you should replace them with tubes around the 6000-6500 mark.

You seem to have all the other right stuff for a planted tank, ie flourite and CO2.

If you havent already, make a post in the planted tank section, they will give you better advice plant wise. :thumbs:
ya i wasnt happy with the bulb it came with the strip its a 50/50 of a 10,000k and a True Actinic 03 blue. I really wanted the 6700k, but will I be able to work my plants with this one?
a 10,000k and a True Actinic 03 blue.

These wont work for a planted tank because the colour temp i too high and blue promotes algae growth.

really wanted the 6700k, but will I be able to work my plants with this one?

Yeh this is fine :thumbs: i accidently pressed the 5 instead of 7 in my last post.

Dont forget to post in the planted tank section if you need any help. They know their stuff!
heres an update with all my readings and latest pic:

Am: 0
Nite: .25
Nate: 3
PH: 7.0
KH: 3 degrees (54ppm)
Co2: 9ppm

This is about 2 weeks for the whole tank including 6 days with the plants, which by the way are growing like crazy. The three pics are days 1, 4, and 6 (today). Inert Utah Rocks on the way. Will a pair of golden rams work here? I want a nice pair to thrive. Thanks



Wow. Your plants are really growing well! Very nice...

Regarding golden rams... these are a color variant of the blue ram and are bred heavily in Asia. They have a terrible reputation for weak immune systems and poor acclimation. If you get a pair, make sure they look healthy and that you acclimate them SLOWLY. Once they're established in the tank, they should be fine as long as you keep the water in good shape, which should be easy given the heavy planting. You might add a small piece of driftwood or other cave-type structure as well.

One random question: Is that thermometer on the right stuck in the substrate?
skip the rams! Keyholes all the way. Might not be as colorful but they are really tough. They were my first real cichlids (excluding the oscars) and actaully survived even though i had no idea what i was doing. And i recently got 1 ballon ram and it died within a week. And all 3 keyholes are still there.
The males have developed very nice fins and personally rams only beat them in apperance cause of the color.
oh and the keyholes have better personalities than rams. My keyholes right now are living with female guppies. If the ram was still in the tank i would expect all the guppies to be dead by now
German ram baby oh boy this fish just soo pretty that I constantly thinking of getting one.
abstract said:
why would a ram kill guppies? LOL
Mine was really aggresive. He would chase any fish that got near him and constantly chased my female keyhole. The only reason no keyhole got hurt was because the males would fight back and kept the ram some what subdued. I couldn't imagine would it would do 2 a poor guppie.

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