What Cement?

Portland cement contains high proportions of calcium compounds so will raise your ph to levels which could possibly kill your fish. The best way is to use the cement then seal it in fibreglass or pond sealant such as G4. On the paint front you should use latex paint
how heavy would it make it mate?

just generally asking ^^
if its for a small tank it is cheaper to buy either the jewel one or the 3d marine bark or rock backgrounds. obviously for a larger tank this would work out expensive and would have lots of horrible lines where the pieces join

good luck
if its for a small tank it is cheaper to buy either the jewel one or the 3d marine bark or rock backgrounds. obviously for a larger tank this would work out expensive and would have lots of horrible lines where the pieces join

good luck

yeah we are just REALLY slow at work right now so i thought it would give me something to do :good:

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