What Catfish?


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
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I would like to get a catfish for my 30 gallon tank. It contains 2 german blue rams, 8 neons and some oto cats. I don't want corys, I would like to have just one catfish. Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!
How about a small group of pitbull plecs? Mine are so active which is really nice to see. I also have a spotted raphael and a striped raphael but i never get to see them. :(

You could also consider a bristlenose as they're quite active during the daytime.

All depends on what you want really. If you want something a bit out of the ordinary them i guess you will have to look at some of the smaller L numbers. There is a pinned topic at the top of the plec forum i believe regarding the smaller plecs. Worth a read if you haven't already!
Cat fish usually lives in coastal water or inland water.Catfish have inhabited all continents at one time or another.
More than half cat fish lives in continent America.They are found in fresh water environment .Most catfish are bottom feeders. In general, they are negatively buoyant, which means that they will usually sink rather than float due to a reduced gas bladder and a heavy, bony head.Body of this fish is often naked.Many catfish have a maximum length of under 12 cm.The largest cat fish was caught in the Missouri River weighed 130 pounds.
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