What Catfish Will Live Comfortably In A 4Ft By 1.5Ft By 1.5Ft Tank?

I will post a picture of it on Saturday getting some fish of some guy down the road, he has same size tank but doesn't want them anymore.


are them okay?
Whatever you get, you should bear in mind that a lot of cats are nocturnal and only come out at night.

I have pair of Hoplos.
Love them, they are always out and about.
My Bumblebee cats on the other hand.....lucky if I see them once a week, and then it's a flah of it as it dashes from one hiding place to the next.
One of the most attractive and interesting set up`s of a tank of that size that I had contained a dozen pimodella pictus and a dozen kribensis , it was medium planted with amazon sword`s and a good smattering of fist sized rock`s and some odd bit`s of bog wood with undergravel filtration , the water was tinted a golden amber with the use of tea bag`s to highlight the fish`s colour`s , that tank was alway`s a hit with friend`s and visitor`s , a pleasure to watch and never inactive , if you have the inclination give it a go you won`t be disapointed :good: :-
I will post a picture of it on Saturday getting some fish of some guy down the road, he has same size tank but doesn't want them anymore.


are them okay?

In case you're still around

You posted a picture of one of my favorite catfish, a synodontis.
This catfish is great! 3+ shoal will do if it is indeed syno multi, but have lots of rocks, plants, bogwood etc around for them to hide in

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