What Catfish To Get?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 20, 2006
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So i have recently got rid of my pooping plecs, but id still like some sort of impressive catfish as a bottom feeder.
Something that does not waste as much as a plec but still grows rather large as he is going to go in my 180g.

I was thinking a zebra shovelnose what do you think.

Hell be with a indo dat and 2 oscars 3 sevs, thats it so far.
So i have recently got rid of my pooping plecs, but id still like some sort of impressive catfish as a bottom feeder.
Something that does not waste as much as a plec but still grows rather large as he is going to go in my 180g.

I was thinking a zebra shovelnose what do you think.

Hell be with a indo dat and 2 oscars 3 sevs, thats it so far.

your tank isn't big enough for a zebra shovelnose, a shovelnose cat (Sorubim lima) should be ok though
or maybe a trio of Pimelodus ornatus

Also i know its not what your after, but that would be a great tank for a delhezi
So i have recently got rid of my pooping plecs, but id still like some sort of impressive catfish as a bottom feeder.
Something that does not waste as much as a plec but still grows rather large as he is going to go in my 180g.

I was thinking a zebra shovelnose what do you think.

Hell be with a indo dat and 2 oscars 3 sevs, thats it so far.

your tank isn't big enough for a zebra shovelnose, a shovelnose cat (Sorubim lima) should be ok though
or maybe a trio of Pimelodus ornatus

Also i know its not what your after, but that would be a great tank for a delhezi

No i really dont want to head down the birchir route, not a fan.

I got told a zeb shovle only grows to 16 inches?, im gonna throttle my source! lol

the limas nice tho.... could do with being a bit more eye catching. :crazy:
No i really dont want to head down the birchir route, not a fan.

I got told a zeb shovle only grows to 16 inches?, im gonna throttle my source! lol

the limas nice tho.... could do with being a bit more eye catching. :crazy:

sorry do you mean either Brachyplatystoma tigrinum or Brachyplatystoma Juruense ?
IMO both of these will need a tank of aroun 96"x30"x30"

although mark7616 or Cane76 (i think?) are your best bet for questions on these species,
No i really dont want to head down the birchir route, not a fan.

I got told a zeb shovle only grows to 16 inches?, im gonna throttle my source! lol

the limas nice tho.... could do with being a bit more eye catching. :crazy:

sorry do you mean either Brachyplatystoma tigrinum or Brachyplatystoma Juruense ?
IMO both of these will need a tank of aroun 96"x30"x30"

although mark7616 or Cane76 (i think?) are your best bet for questions on these species,

Yup your right both these fish will grow larger than my 6x2x2, the art of not being lazy and looking for yourself lol
Amazes me that even decent fish stores try to sell you crap information :crazy:
So i still need suggestions,
I would go for a Synodontis Angelicus. Beautiful looking catfish, very greedy so they make an excellent bottom feeder. They do grow quite big and can reach around 11" but for a setup like yours they can really hold their own against aggressive cichlids and for that reason are usually used in African setups. I have mine in a community setup and one is really aggressive while the other is very peaceful and plays nice with my Raphael cat.

A Raphael cat could also be a possibility although I have heard nasty stories of oscars having them for lunch and injuring themselves as Raphael's are very spiny.
I would go for a Synodontis Angelicus. Beautiful looking catfish, very greedy so they make an excellent bottom feeder. They do grow quite big and can reach around 11" but for a setup like yours they can really hold their own against aggressive cichlids and for that reason are usually used in African setups. I have mine in a community setup and one is really aggressive while the other is very peaceful and plays nice with my Raphael cat.

A Raphael cat could also be a possibility although I have heard nasty stories of oscars having them for lunch and injuring themselves as Raphael's are very spiny.

i have a Synodontis Angelicus in a malawi set up in a Rio 180 and have no problems at all, the cichlids do not bother him.

i also have a Synodontis Petricola, a common syno and stripped raffeal catfish and another one i cant remember name of.

the Synodontis Angelicus is awsome.

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