What Can You Keep With A Betta

What size tank are you asking about?
Mollies and guppies are a definite no because they have big flashy fins and tails and will cause conflict with the betta which can result in injury or even death.
Corydoras maybe depending on the size of the tank and also the disposition of the betta. They are better in tanks on their own or with maybe snails or some of the larger shrimps. They don't actually need company.
what caan you keep with them

SeanTrollope said:
what caan you keep with them

I haven't heard anyone ever keeping any other kind of fish with a Betta, as they're territorial (I think?) so having other fish with them would cause fighting
I've successfully kept Neon and Glowlight tetras with a Betta, really depends on the Bettas temperament though.  I also have a Honeycomb Driftwood Catfish in with Henry, he keeps himself pretty much to himself, no issues that I have seen.
I kept guppy males with a betta, but he was pretty laid back, didnt really worry about any fish kept with him lol. Now believe me he was a rare one. Most don't tolerate or play well with other fish.
I currently have a betta, and he lives with cherry shrimp. He has lived peacefully with an oto and peppermint bristlenose. I not long removed them from his tank (oto needed for algae control in another tank, and peps outgrew tank)
Apple snails will generally be tolerated by a betta
You can keep Two or more female Betta's together or a male and female but no more than one male per tank.
No, you can't keep a male & female Betta together except for a short time if breeding them, kept together otherwise will result in injury or death.
Bettas only come together in the wild to spawn & even then it doesn't always end well
You can keep females together but in larger numbers & even then there can be problems
madmonkey04 said:
You can keep Two or more female Betta's together or a male and female but no more than one male per tank.
Female bettas need to be in numbers of at least 5 (in no less than a 10 gallon(40 liter) tank) to help even out the aggression.  A lot of times though this type tank does not work out well and is not recommended for people not used to betta behavior.
Male bettas should never be kept with another betta (male or female) undivided.  Keeping a male with another betta will end up with one of both of them sick, injured, or at worst, dead.  
OP -- As far what can be kept with a betta.....first tank size will need to be known so that recommendations can be made.  In general, anything with large fins, bright colors, or that occupy the same area of the water column should be avoided.  Bettas are aggressive solitary individuals and do best kept alone.
If you have not, I suggest you take a look at the caresheet.   http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/423362-betta-splendens-caresheet/ 
Ive successfully housed neon tetras with one of my males in a ten gallon... HOWEVER not all males are laid back... my trick was I put a small castle into the tank, giving the betta some territory... he was older and tended to hangout near the bottom more, where as the neons were all over the tank.. and first he tried to kill them, but they were too fast for him and he learned quickly
It all depends on your tank size and betta behaviour. My betta Fuego used to be okay with bottom dwellers, (Bristlenose Plec, Shrimp) but not anything else.

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