What Can I Put In A Tank With No Filter / Heater

:D hehe read all the reply here... though I guess this is a joke?

Will plants + snails works? (providing with air stones to pump air into water and lots of lights :)
May i suggest these

Think about it.... color, as much of them as you want, never have to feed, and just add water every so often. The perfect fish....
Depending on the size there are a number of options. If the tank is large enough to allow for huge amounts of planting then you could keep some small (i.e. light biolaod) fish in there that survive at the temp the tank stys at in the house without heating.

Plants (like algae) prefer to absorb ammonia than nitrate so you could in theory instantly cycle the tank. This has been managed before by others, but you are talking about a 30+ gallon tank with around 6 neons and plenty of plants.

Can be done though.

If it's 10 gallons and if you can keep it within a temperature range of 68 to 75 degrees, without a heater, African Clawed Frogs will do well. They do best without a filter, but with regular tank vacuuming and water changes. The vibrations caused by filters are said to be disturbing to them. :D
I think it might have been edited out, but wasn't the tank 2 gallons?!
The tank was about 2.5 gallons. There is nothing that can be kept in it until a heater and filter are added, or a heater plus good water changes.

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